Now that I am back from my nephew's wedding, the rush to get things done for DH's scooter rally starts. I would love to say I have a good start on it all, but that would be a lie. I did get all of the rally bags cut out before I left for our trip, so that was good. I also brought the applique stuff with me on our trip so I could get a head start on it, but I never got around to doing it :-( To top it off, DD#3, who came with us on our trip, caught the flu, and guess what? Yes, you got it, she's always been good at sharing so I caught the flu too.
It was funny, on the plane ride home, I kind of knew I was getting sick, but I kept making lame excuses. Boy, is my throat sore: I guess it's because the air on the plane is too dry. My muscles are really aching: these airline seats are uncomfortable. I am freezing: airplane needs to up the heat. All my excuses were for naught, I was really sick.
I missed DS the Younger's soccer game on Tuesday, because I knew I couldn't sit through it. It started raining as the game started, so that was probably a good call on my part. I was determined to make it to DD#2's graduation from CNA/Caregiver school on Wednesday night, so I went to bed early on Tuesday night, slept late Wednesday morning, took a shower, went back to bed, and I did manage to make it through graduation, but I went to bed early again last night. (I am proud of her for doing that school. Her goal is to be a registered nurse like her dad, but DH knows she will make a better nurse if she works her way up.)
Today I've done better. I finished sewing the drawstrings for the rally bags. I am making 73 bags. DH wanted 75, but the 20 yards of fabric (from stash, yeah!) I put aside for bags made 73, so I figured it was close enough. For the drawstrings I could have gone and bought cording, which would definitely be faster, but I'm trying to use what I have, and I have a bunch of single fold bias tape I never use. Double fold bias tape I use all of the time, but single fold, rarely. I've been looking for ways to use up the single fold bias tape, and making drawstrings was a good way. I folded it in half lengthwise, and sewed the edges together. It makes for a good drawstring, and I used all of the red and yellow single fold bias tape I have. Just think of that, about 30" bias tape per bag, and I made 73 drawstrings, I had a LOT of single fold bias tape, and that was just two colors! I use a lot of the single fold bias tape when I make luggage tags too, so I'll be using a bunch for that too, since my goal is to make a luggage tag to go in each rally bag.
DD#2 came over today, and we did a quick shopping trip. I bought a walker/saucer thing for the baby I watch, and sippy cups to mail to my GS. We also went to Joanns. It's amazing how fast a trip to Joanns is on no-buy. I needed more Wonder Under for applique, and some heavy fusible interfacing for the luggage tags. I stood in line, got my stuff cut, eyed a purple cotton remnant and some flannel remnants, but resisted, stood in the cashier lane, used a 50% and a 40% coupon, and left. I didn't bother looking around because I only NEEDED the Wonder Under and the interfacing, and that is all I bought! I might need to buy some clear vinyl for the luggage tags, but I haven't figured out if I have enough yet, so I'll just buy it later if I need some. I didn't look around at fabric, but the remnant rack is right where you wait to get your stuff cut. I couldn't help but see it. That's my story and I'm sticking to it ;-)
DD#2 and I watched a Cary Grant movie, and I traced my scooter shapes onto the fabrics I had already prepared, you know, the ones I took on my trip and didn't touch? I have to iron some of my new Wonder Under on a few more fabrics, and then I can trace the rest. Cutting those out will be good movie or visiting projects.
The photo at the top shows my rally bag progress so far. The drawstrings are loosely knotted in groups of ten. The fabrics (Bugs Bunny and Taz) are pinned in groups of ten bags, and to the far right are the three bags I've finished so far. If you notice all the other junk on my cutting table, just realize this is after it was cleaned off. It used to be much worse! If I can get all of the rally bags finished before April 1st, I'll be happy. I haven't cut out the scooter quilt yet, but it can be easily cut in a day, besides the applique. I have cut the fabric for the luggage tags, but not the interfacing or appliques. It will definitely be a time crunch, the rally starts April 30th.
Tomorrow is a baby-watching day, so it will be amazing if I get any sewing done, but maybe during nap time.