I meant to do my number crunching for 2010 yesterday, but obviously that didn't happen ;-) Here are the spools I emptied in 2010. They represent 20,026 yards, or 11.38 miles of thread.
My 2010 total number of quilts made is 35. I used 213 yards of fabric in those quilts, and I used 50 yards of fabric making things for the scooter rally. I didn't keep track of the other fabric used, so let's just stick with 263 yards of fabric used, though I'm sure it was more, especially since this isn't counting any garments or other projects. Realistically, it was probably over 300 yards.
Here were my 2010 goals, let's see how I did!
1. Finish all my 2009 starts, with possibly the exception of Perkiomen Daydream, which is my longterm project.
*Well, I didn't even work on Perkiomen Daydream, and I didn't finish Double Delight either, but aside from these two, all of my 2009 projects are done.
2. Keep a quilt! I still haven't done that, and one of my UFO's is for our bed, so if I do goal number one, I should be able to do this one.
*I kept three quilts this year, which is amazing for me. These are the first three I've ever kept. Of course, Double Delight is the one for our bed, and it's not done, so still no quilt for our bed.
3. Make 12 donation quilts, using my scrap user system or orphan blocks. A sub-goal of this is to cut up my scraps as I make room in my scrap drawers. I got stalled on sorting my scraps because my drawers are full, and I'm not buying any more plastic drawers.
*I actually ended up donating 15 quilts this year. My scrap drawers are still full although I've used a bunch, and so is my scrap basket. The more I sew, the more scraps I have, so it's a never ending cycle. I did use up a ton of orphan blocks, and that basket is almost empty.
So, how do I feel about 2010 as far as quilting goes? I think it was a success. I got a lot accomplished, and the biggest thing was I got all my fabric organized, which is HUGE!
2011 is here, and I already have quite a list of quilts to make. I have at least one wedding quilt to make, several baby quilts, and several kid quilts (including a big boy bed quilt for DGS#1) promised. I have a couple quilts almost finished, and a few UFO's. I have a bunch of things to make for the grandtwins, which is my priority right now. The RRCB Mystery is officially on the back burner.
Since the grandtwins will be living with us, I have no illusions of making as many quilts in 2011 as I did this year. On days I babysit there will be three babies in the house, and I know no sewing will occur then. Even with two babies it will probably be a challenge. I'm thinking I'll get more sewing done in the first half the year, when the twins are not mobile and sleeping a lot, than afterwards when they can get around. DD#3 will need more help watching them when they are crawling.
Because of the uncertainty of sewing time, the only quilty goals I have for 2011 are making the quilts that need to be made for gifts. If I get more than that done, that's great, but I'm not making big plans. I do hope to be less busy and have some time to enjoy my family, and all the changes coming our way.