I got the bindings sewn on the two quilts I had quilted. Now all three of my "Why does everyone hate pink?" series is done!
I've already started quilting another quilt from my basting pile. The new one is purple and white, so I get a break from looking at all that pink. It's also one of the big ones, queen sized. I'm not sure I'll have the next quilt quilted before we get a bunch of out of town company, so it could be a while.
Today I was very busy in the sewing room. I got the bright version of Allietare sewn into rows. I pressed the rows and hope to work on sewing the rows together in the next few days.
I also sewed the rows for two more weighted blankets, and started the last one I have cut. I don't think I'm going to have to make any more weighted blanket tops after these. I think the three tops I have finished along what I have going will use the rest of the pellets. I may even run out of pellets before I finish that many, in which case I'll make the tops a bit wider, and turn them into quilts.
I started working on units for one of the wedding quilts I need to make as leaders/enders. I had been using split nine patch blocks as my leaders/enders, but that quilt has no deadline, and the wedding quilts do, so I switched my leader/ender to deadline quilts. I'm working on the simplest blocks first, just to get some momentum going.
Christmas 2019 is already on my mind. I decided I wanted to make all the grandkids something, and I even decided what that will be. It's a bit ambitious, so I need to start working on it soon. I've been so busy working on new deadline quilts and finishing UFOs that my scraps are languishing. I'm making new scraps, but not using any. This is where my Christmas project comes in. I can use my scrap user system for a lot of the fabric I will need. I can use any of size strips I save for this project, and all tolled it should bust a lot of scraps. I need to subcut all the strips I use to the same size, but I have the strip die for that size!
I'm using a silver Sharpie to make registration lines on my dies, so I can use the strip dies to crosscut and get rectangles or squares with nice 90 degree corners. If I ever decide to make diamonds, I think I'll buy gold Sharpies for those lines, but I don't use diamonds very often. I know a lot of people don't put this many registration lines on their dies, but I wanted to be able to keep checking if I have the strips straight, no matter which size strip or stripset I am cross-cutting. If I have figured correctly, I should be able to cut subcut enough strips for one project in two passes of the die through the Studio cutter. That's MUCH faster than rotary cutting!
So the Christmas project will bust a lot of scraps, and it will be quick to sub-cut. It's also a fantastic thing to use as leaders/enders, so I can fit it in whenever.
The thing I haven't worked on, but I really need to, is the next grandbaby's quilt. He's due in May, and I have it designed, but I've gotten no further than that. Besides the background, I think all the fabrics can come from my scrap user system. Yay for scrapbusting!
I still have to finish cutting up the scraps from the backings of that last basting spree. They are in a pile on the cutting table. I hate that, but my scrap drawers are so full, I haven't been motivated to process the scraps because I had no place to put them. With this new project, I can cut for it and make some room for the newest scraps. Of course, some of these new scraps will likely make their way into the Christmas project too!
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
14 hours ago