Overall, my quilting supplies are pretty organized. Even the part I'm getting ready to show you is mostly organized, it's just too much overflow. The stuff that isn't easily stored in my sewing or fabric rooms is put into time out "under the stairs" (cue spooky music).

I've been putting off dealing with this area, but I need to cut my denim scraps up for luggage tags. For a while it seems like everyone was giving me jeans to use for quilting projects, but now no one is. I have three totes with denim in them, and of course they are at the very back. By the end of this year, I expect all three totes to be empty. I decided to make 400 luggage tags, instead of the 200 I originally planned. They will be giveaways at DH's business events. The luggage tags will take up a lot of the denim, and I have a big project planned for Christmas 2025 that should use the remaining denim. When I looked at this area, it looked pretty overwhelming, but at a glance I could tell there was actually several things that had a place to live, I had just been too lazy to put them away. Let's start there.Just putting away what belonged elsewhere helped quite a bit, but that denim I need is still in the very back.
Three totes of denim scraps just like I thought. I have more patterned denim than I remember, but I'll either use it in projects this year, or it will be donated for someone else to use. These totes will not be going back under the stairs. After taking everything out from under the stairs, I had to look at how to put things back under the stairs. I have several totes with men shirts to use for quilting, divided by color. I don't have any shirt projects planned right now, so those can definitely go in the back for now. All my flannel is in totes, because it's too bulky for me to want to store it one shelves. I will probably need to get into the flannel this year, but I still have room in the back, so I stack it in the back as well, but I'm very mindful what I put in front of that.
I found one tote less than half full, with a few pieces of fabric from which I had meant to make DH scrub tops. Well, now that he's retired, that's not a thing (talk about procrastination!) so I left that tote out. The fabrics can either be put onto my fabric shelves, or be cut up for my donation pillowcases, since they are all novelty prints. Whatever I use them for, they aren't going back under the stairs. I found another tote that had yardgage in it that didn't fit on my shelves at the time. I do have some space on my shelves, but not enough for that whole tote. Again, I'm planning to make and donate 100 pillowcases this year, so I think I will have room for all of that fabric on the shelves soon. I decided to keep that tote out too.
With three totes of denim staying out, and two totes with fabric staying out, putting things back under the stairs was easier than taking it all out. Especially since I had taken the time to put so much away that actually had a spot and just wasn't put it belonged.
It's still a lot, but not quite as overwhelming. Unless I stop using flannel and mens shirts, I'll always have a few totes. I do have a lot fewer totes that I used to, and I actually emptied two totes today. Not all the totes are full, so when I realized how little was in some of them, I did some rearranging. Come to think of it, one of the ones I emptied would be great to store the finished luggage tags in! It's a shallower tote, and should fit them quite well.
Do I have some totes that are currently in my way? Yes, but they won't be in my way for that long. Once I get all the luggage tags prepped, I'll start sewing them up, and I'll start prepping the pillowcase project. As I empty totes I'll just store the empty ones in the storage room, in case we ever move, I could use them then.
I've got about 250 scooter silhouettes cut out now. I told DH if he ever wants me to make a bunch of these again, I'm having a custom die made to cut out both the scooter and the luggage tags themselves. If he were paying me an hourly wage to do this, the custom die would pay for itself in no time at all. At least the denim and the interfacing for the luggage tags can be rotary cut! I rotary cut the clear vinyl too, but it can be tricky since it can stick to the ruler. Even with sewing around the appliques, sewing the luggage tags takes a fraction of the time prepping them does. The only sewing I've done this week is working on assembling some quilts, but none of those are finished. I haven't done any FMQ yet this year! We've still got out of town visitors in town, so we've been having fun with them. DH is getting his Retirement in Real Time YouTube channel channel going. He's learning a lot, and once that channel is going he's hoping to start a scooter channel as well, to go along with his scooter magazine. He's only really retired from nursing, not from working!
My routine is all thrown off with him not having a schedule, so we'll both have to make adjustments, which we expected. We'll get it figured out!