Friday, July 31, 2009

Thrift store haul

DD#2 and I went to Savers again to split my other July coupon. That 'get $100 worth of stuff for $50' was just too good for us to waste it. She picked another $50 worth of clothes, and I got $50 worth of fabric. I really loved paying $25 for it too =)

On the left are the upholstery fabrics. There are 8 yards of upholstery fabric in total. Fabric grocery sacks are one of my Christmas projects and I think this fabric will hold up well. On the right are cottons for quilting. The purple, green, and black print on top is just stunning in person! Some of these fabrics are large enough to use as quilt backings. I got at least 30 yards of fabric for my $25. I only measured the upholstery fabrics so I'm guessing, but if anything I'm underestimating.

1 comment:

Stephanie Newman said...

Oh, Hannah's baby is so sweet! Congratulations on being a Nana and have a safe and happy time in S.A.