Friday, July 9, 2021

Watching the Bunnies

 Not much in the way of sewing has happened around here. I am almost done the red/cream blocks, and I've started another leader/ender project while on the last few. I really need to get back to assembling quilts, but that's not my favorite chore when it's so hot. Even when FMQ it's  easier to keep the bulk of the quilt off my lap than when assembling or piecing backings. Of course, since I haven't wanted to tackle piecing some backings, I don't have anything basted to FMQ either, so I just keep making blocks. 

My backyard has been full of bunnies lately, and since I've been doing most of my sewing in the living room, I can see them pretty easily. I have to take all the photos of them through the sliding glass door, and from a bit of distance to not scare them, but here are a couple of my favorites.

This one is kind of a family portrait. The adult bunny was drinking from some water we set out. It has been so hot and dry, we've tried to keep water out for the animals. We don't normally feed any wild animals, but we had a couple of the grandkids over, and they wanted to see the bunnies, so we put out a couple of vegetables which is what the baby bunnies were munching on. There was a fourth rabbit in the yard that I couldn't catch in this photo.

This is the best photo I've taken of the baby bunnies to date. I'm not much of a photographer, and most of the time I don't take photos when I see them. I was happy they were both facing the house when I took the photo. 

We went out to DD#1's homestead this week, where she had her ducks all in a row ;-)

She is getting to have quite the menagerie out there, and they are looking to get goats and pigs next. 

I had a birthday last week, and DH got me something I'd been eyeing for a long time.

Isn't this thread stand pretty? I didn't technically need a new thread stand, but replacing something plain with something pretty that does the same job? I'm a fan. 

DH has next week off work, and part of that time I'll be dog sitting, so I doubt next week will be a big sewing week either. I do have a couple non quilt related sewing projects I need to get done, but neither should take that long, it's just a matter of actually doing them. 

The grandkids I was blessed to have some time with wanted to make themselves coasters. I let them choose the fabric, and then sew it on an electric machine for the first time. Up until now I've only had them use a handcrank. My Bernina has a speed limiter, so I put it down to the lowest speed. With that, even if they floored the foot pedal, the machine still wouldn't go too fast. One of them really liked the electric machine, and the other still prefers the handcrank. We decided our next project will be drawstring bags. 

I've also been somewhat on a homemade ice cream kick. We made homemade peanut butter ice cream for Father's Day. DD#1 make homemade mint chip when we went out to the homestead. I have a small 1 qt freezer besides the big ones, and this week I made strawberry banana ice cream for the first time, and tonight we're attempting butter pecan. I have issues with corn, and most ready made ice cream has corn syrup in it. Because of that, I don't eat ice cream very often anymore, which is probably a good thing, but homemade ice cream in the summer just seems like the thing to do. Since leftover homemade ice cream tends to get really hard in the freezer, I've learned to put the leftovers in small single serve size containers. The real genius in that is it limits the portion size while making it easier to eat as well, it's a win/win!

Oh, I had a great Goodwill find this week too.

I've been wanting one more side table for the living room, and this is the same shape as two of the others I have. The red on this one looks great with the area rug in the living room, and it was only $20. I don't really care that all the side tables don't match exactly, the tops are very close in color, and the style and size are quite similar. The other two side tables I have were over $100 each, and they aren't being made anymore, so I couldn't get a third matching one anyway. I'm trying to be mindful of what I bring into the house, but this was an item I've been looking for and the price was fantastic, so I'm happy with that purchase. 

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