Thursday, November 18, 2021

Less Time Than Anticipated

I thought I'd have quite a bit of sewing time this week, but it hasn't turned out that way. That doesn't mean I've had NO sewing time, just not as much as I thought I'd have, so many of my goals were not met. 

I did finish assembling the Star Wars quilt that was on the design wall last week. I haven't given it a final press yet, but the top is finished. 

 I got the quilt that uses the last of the night fairy fabric on the design wall. It's a little tricky to assemble because three of the blocks are much larger than the rest, but I've got a plan. This quilt will be getting a couple borders once this much of it is assembled. 

This morning I finished making the rest of the quilt blocks that needed black piecing thread, so I'm setting those aside for now, and I switched the thread to grey so I can start assembling the last of the night fairy quilts. 

I haven't gotten back to FMQ at all, so that's a bummer. Now that the two December deadline quilts are tops, getting those basted and quilted are my priority, so I will likely put the quilt I've been quilting on aside once I get the two deadline quilts basted. I'll see if I can get a bit further on it before I have to put it aside. My goal for the weekend is to get the deadline quilts basted. 

Next week is a complete bust for sewing. I've got a birthday dinner to make on Sunday. On Monday I'm babysitting all day (which I did one day this week as well), Tuesday I'll be going out with my sister, Wednesday and Thursday will be all about cooking Thanksgiving dinner. I'm sure I'll look at the clues for the mystery on Friday, but I've got company coming for a three day weekend, so no mystery quilt sewing can happen until the next week. 

As soon as I finish blogging, I'm going to go baste the table runner I am making for Thanksgiving, but I have company coming tonight for dinner, so I don't have a lot of time this afternoon either. The table runner won't take long to quilt, so I'm hopeful I can get it done on time! Even so, finding the time to quilt it could be an adventure. 

Speaking of adventures, DH and I are considering doing one of our bucket list trips next year. We've always wanted to take a big train trip, and we are gathering all the information we need to make a decision on it. Have any of you done a cross country trip on Amtrak? I'd love to talk to someone who has! I've been watching YouTube videos about it, and those are helpful, but I've never done overnight on a train, only day trips. If anyone has any good train tips I'd be anxious to hear them!

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