Friday, April 22, 2022

Bowl Cozy Binge Sewing

It has been a really wild couple of weeks! It was pretty weird coming home from being away for a month, and jumping right into a houseful of company and hosting an early holiday dinner. DD#2's family was moving right around then, so I had her boys for a couple weeks as well. 

As if that weren't enough to handle, we had a couple exciting bits thrown in. Our neighbors Saguaro Cactus broke and fell on our power lines, breaking the power line pole at our house. If you aren't familiar with Saguaro cactus, they are the ones with the arms, and can grow to be up to 60 feet tall. (The tallest on record was 78 feet tall) We were only out of power and internet a little while, but it was a bit nerve wracking seeing the power lines hang so low, knowing if they were compromised, we could be dealing with a quite dangerous situation. We kept the kids and dogs inside until the power company fixed that. We had a houseful when that happened. 

When it was down to only DD#2's family, the water main broke and we went a day without water! Tucson has a fantastic water department though, and they brought gallons of water to my door when it was obvious we were going to be out of water for a while. 

My house is now devoid of company, aside from two grand-dogs I'm keeping for a couple months. DH is back at the other hospital, so it's pretty quiet around here. He did make a request of me before he went back, and that was to make more microwavable bowl cozies so he could give some away. I ordered a bolt of Wrap and Zap batting before we got home, and once the house emptied out of company, I got to work. 


Just a few minutes ago I finished the last bowl cozy, 34 in all. Wrap and Zap comes in a 10 yard bolt, 22" wide. If I had been super careful when cutting the batting, I theoretically could have gotten 36 cozies from a bolt. 34 is close enough when I was in such a hurry. 

Besides sewing bowl cozies I've been trying to help DD#2's family get settled in their new home. They have a beautiful new house, and I hope they have many happy years in it! 

Now that life can return to "mostly" normal, I will be able to get back to my other projects. My Bernina is long overdue for a servicing, so I'll be calling about that soon. I mostly have my sewing room back to normal after having it in guest room mode. I still haven't plugged in my Singer 201 which is my usual piecing machine, so I'll have to do that, and get the Bernina packed up to go "to the spa". 

Since life doesn't seem like it wants to calm down much, DH has been keeping me up to date on what's going on where he is. The hospital he's working at is in the path of a wildfire, and they are starting evacuations. I'm not sure what will happen with that, they've had very high winds so the fire is unpredictable, and it's at 0% containment. I've been disappointed I couldn't go with him this time, but with the wildfire and everything, he's probably relieved I'm not there, and am safe at home instead. I'll keep praying for all the people in the path of those fires, losing a house would be hard, but losing your family would be so much worse. I'm praying for safety for those in the path. 

So that's most of the crazy stuff that's happened during the couple weeks I didn't blog! I just didn't have time to be on the computer with all that going on!

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