Monday, January 1, 2024

2023 Reckoning and 2024 Goals

Happy New Year! 🥳

I always reflect at the end of a year, and make plans for the new year. I am a planner by nature, not that I can't adapt to changes, but that I just naturally make plans, set goals. This morning I was thinking how many plans we've had that have fallen through. Some big plans fell through (We had planned to move in 2020 or 2021 and that fell through in a big way), some home renovations we still haven't finished,  some smaller things fell through, like having a year end basting spree or just finishing more UFO's. I can make plans, but I can't predict what life will throw my way. I had no idea I'd live in hotel for three months in 2023. 

I've often told my kids, life is what happens while you are making other plans. Plans are helpful, but being adaptable to change is PRICELESS. 

I just looked over 2022's year end post, and I didn't make a lot of firm goals for 2023. I mentioned making a baby quilt, which I did. I mentioned two of my grandsons wanted new quilts for their birthdays. Funny thing about that, those grandkids still don't have new quilts. I would have had to bring all the fabrics and finished their quilts while living in a hotel, and that wasn't likely to happen. Again, life throws curve balls sometimes. When I got back home, three other grandkids asked for quilts, and I did get those done! I wasn't playing favorites, it just had to do with birthday timing. This year I hope to get the original two quilts done before the birthdays on question, plus I have two other grandsons wanting new quilts now too. I have everything to make the four quilts, so barring another curveball, I'm hoping to make all of those. 

Last year I mentioned needing to make two scooter rally quilts, plus all the rally bags. I did get all of that done. 

In 2022 I used 9.5 miles of thread, in 2023 I used over 11 miles of thread. In 2022 I had 24 finishes, 11 of which were UFO's. I had hoped to finish more UFO's in 2023. Well, I had 26 finishes in 2023, of which only 7 were UFO's. 2023 was pretty hit or miss for me. I know the three months in the hotel really kept my finishes, especially UFO finishes down. I have a whole closet full of quilt tops, but no basting and no quilting happened in that hotel. Basically, for a quarter of the year, only piecing was an option, and by the time I got back, I had deadline projects to concentrate on. 

So, besides the four quilts for grandsons, what are my goals for 2024? I have two baby quilts to make, and they need to be finished this month. One is half assembled, one is in blocks. I'd like to make quilts for my nieces and nephews that don't have one from me. That's mostly the unmarried ones, but I'm thinking wedding quilts are likely a thing of the past for me. I'm having to accommodate my RSI more and more, and I know there a very few queen/king quilts left in me. Doing them on a deadline is even more unrealistic. As I finish several big quilts already started, I can decide whether I am up to quilting it myself, or if I should send it out to a longarmer. I still feel confident quilting twins and smaller on my own. 

Mostly I need to start utilizing my time better, not to get more done, but to take the breaks I really need to be taking. I need to appreciate the journey, and not focus on the goals. I'll always want to be productive, but my main goal for 2024 is to be kinder to myself. 


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