Thursday, April 25, 2024

Finish #12

 Finish #12 of the year is also a deadline quilt, so it's a double win!

Well, I say it's a win, but the recipient grandson just asked me for a Minecraft quilt, and I just finished his Lego quilt, so we'll see how that goes. His birthday is in a couple weeks, so I guess I'll see then. I'm preparing myself for a less than enthusiastic reaction. I might have enough Minecraft fabric to make him and his brother Minecraft pillowcases, so maybe if I do that I'll be OK. 

I already started FMQ on another quilt, but even if I get that one done in April, I'll be a little behind in my goal of finishing 40 quilts this year. I'm not expecting any out of town company coming up, but grandkids for the weekend may come up soon. We'll see what happens later this year. The biggest interruptions I knew about have already happened, so maybe I'll pick up speed again. 

I finished April's Greek murder mystery blocks.

Come to think of it, I don't think I ever showed you March's blocks.

February and March's blocks were all in blues, January's had some of the same colors as April's block, with the addition of green. The Viking murder mystery was easier to figure out what most of the blocks were going to be in the quilt than this one has been so far. 

I already started another deadline quilt, but I have had a baby quilt that needs to jump the queue. The baby isn't due until September, so I was thinking I could finish the two quilts due in July before I worked on the baby quilt. Well, they are throwing the baby shower in May, which is insanely early in my book, so now I need to work on it first. My goal is to get the baby quilt cut out this weekend. (I did finish the other cutting I needed to do). I've got all the deadline quilts cut out except the baby quilt, so I can just keep using them as leaders/enders for each other until I have all the tops made. 

This afternoon we are going to the county fair with DD#2's family, so I should get some quilty eye candy! There is a quilting category for prizes at the fair. My kids keep telling me to enter, but that's absolutely not something that interests me. I quilt for fun, and my perfection quotient is not that high. I don't want the pressure of needing perfect points or having my binding be just so. That kind of pressure would take all of the fun out of it for me. I do enjoy seeing the quilts that have been entered, so for all of you that enjoy entering quilting contests, thank you! 

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