Thursday, August 15, 2024

Finish #22 for 2024

I just finished sewing the binding on this quilt a few minutes ago. If it looks familiar, there's a good reason for that. I made so many yellow/orange blocks while scrap busting that this is the second throw sized quilt I made from them, and I made a baby quilt with some of them. I believe this is the last quilt to be finished from them. I know I already gave away the baby quilt, and I have the other finished throw, so unless I made four quilt tops from them, this should be the end of them. I know orange is not a popular color, but I really like it, and combined with yellow it makes a super happy quilt.  

I needed some color in my life, because my design wall is not very colorful.

DH was a sweetheart and layed this quilt out for me. I like abstract quilts, but I tend to overthink block placement and get stuck. His brain works much better with this style of quilt. This actually isn't the entire quilt. The top five rows are already off the design wall and this is rows 6-13. It's going to be king sized when finished. The pattern name is Modern Technology, but I've strayed from the pattern. The pattern has you make six different blocks, then "arrange them in a pleasing manner". I actually have more than six different style blocks because I was trying to use every bit of fabric I had for the project, and towards the end I had to make a few blocks up to use the remaining units.

During a lot of the next month+, I'll have grandkids staying here, so Christmas sewing won't be happening. I do have about ten days without grands before the chaos starts so I'm deep into cutting things out for Christmas. I figure if I can get most of my Christmas projects cut out, it might work out OK that I'm getting such a late start sewing them. With DD#1 and family moving, now most of my grandkids will live far away, so I have to figure in mailing time as well. I've already decided I'll work on local kids stuff last. 

DH is going to be away for a bit coming up too, and Christmas projects aside, I am way overdue for a basting spree. I'll have a few days without DH or grandkids, so my plan is to set up my two eight foot tables in the living room, and baste quilts until I'm out of pins. I bought some risers for the tables so hopefully my back won't complain too much. I have a lot of basting pins, so a well timed basting spree could potentially keep me FMQ for the rest of this year. 

Those are my plans, but my plans have a way of getting hijacked, so we'll see what actually happens!

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