Ah, April Fool's Day, which I never have gotten into. I'm just not one to play tricks on people, no matter the excuse. So, I have some news, and I'm not fooling, but I am excited!
I've got another grandbaby on the way! I had a feeling I'd be adding a baby quilt to my deadline quilts for this year, and sure enough, DD#2 is due in December. This will be her first, and the baby is due to arrive right in time for her third wedding anniversary!
I'll wait to decide on a quilt until they find out gender, and headcount! Since we already have grandtwins from DD#3, we always wonder now.
I've still been working on non-quilty items. I just finished my first purse ever, for my DDIL (DS the Younger's wife) DS the Younger is about to graduate from Army AIT, and they've been apart for about seven months, so I wanted to make her something to celebrate too. I already have DS the Younger's Army quilt ready to go.
To my way of thinking, this is the purse front, though it doesn't really matter. I put in a zippered pocket on this side.
I made this side have a patch pocket. There is also one patch pocket on the inside liner, and the purse zips closed.
I used this YouTube tutorial as my base pattern.
I made a few changes, like adding patch pockets, and piecing the front. I also opted to make one adjustable strap rather than two fixed straps. I didn't have any D-rings on hand, so I made fabric loops to hold the strap. Changing the handle took the most figuring, but I may go ahead and make another purse as the tutorial is written, for someone else. I did use fusible interfacing on the back of the outside of the bag, to make it a bit sturdier. If I hadn't been in such a hurry, I likely would have bought zippers specifically for this purse. Instead I used what I had on hand. The only zipper I had that was the right color and long enough for the main zipper was an invisible zipper. An odd choice for a purse, but I just used what I had.
Flinging is still going on around here. A local charity had a truck coming around today, and we had a big pile at the curb. It's nice to see stuff move on after deciding we don't need it anymore.
I have been wanting a larger freezer, but ours is still working fine, so it seemed a waste to buy a new one. Well, DS the Younger and DDIL decided they'd like to have a freezer, so I bought the one I've been wanting, and I'm giving my other freezer to them!
I now have this Kenmore Elite, which makes organizing the freezer so much easier, and I LOVE the lighting in it. I'm using a few plastic baskets to help keep things organized in there, but I love the fact it has two huge drawers built in. I've always been a fan of having some meals made ahead, and in the freezer, and now I'll have room to do that again! I was constantly running out of room in the smaller freezer.
It's great that it worked out so I could get the freezer I wanted, and bless one of my kids at the same time. Win-win!
I have a few things that need to be rearranged after the flinging, and the new freezer. I better get busy doing that!
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
18 hours ago
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