I have been drowning in a list of overdue wedding quilts, but I can finally cross one off of my list.
This quilt is for DS the Elder and DDIL. They just had their second wedding anniversary, so it's way overdue, but it's in the mail on the way to them now. The pattern is called Faceted Jewels, though I did make some very minor changes to the pattern.
The quilt center that needed to be trimmed up in my last post is now a completed quilt top.
It's a big quilt to lay out in the house, so it's folded into fourths in this photo. This quilt is a Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt, Allietare. This one will be going to one of my grandsons who just got a full-sized bed.
My next quilting projects are FMQ another overdue wedding quilt, and finish assembling three quilts that I've already starting assembling. I keep having to grab another project to use as leader/enders, so quilts are being made in between other things. I have three projects I need to cut out right now, but I'm trying to clean up the three partially assembled quilts before I really get into all of that cutting. Once I get those into quilt tops, I'll feel better about having a bunch of newly cut quilts hanging around.
I decided I wanted a sewing area in the living room again. I love my sewing studio, but late at night it's kind of weird sewing in the basement. I've been wanting to start sewing up some strings, which are overflowing their containers, and a small corner of the living room can easily be set up for just that purpose. I really work best when I have a different project at each machine. Life might be easier if I were a start to finish quilter, but I'm not wired that way, so it's not going to happen. Strings are an excellent thing to sew when I want to switch up machines, so I think my living room will be where I rotate through my vintage machines. I usually talk about rotating out my Singer 201, but it's my favorite vintage machine, and I never want it put away. It is fun to sew on different machines, and I have some great vintage options, so maybe this will be what actually gets me to rotate through them.
So, once I set up the living room sewing corner, I'll have four machines up all the time. Downstairs in my studio, I have my Tin Lizzie sit down longarm for FMQ. The Singer 201 is my go to for piecing blocks. My Bernina 440 I usually use for assembling quilts (mostly due to the large cabinet it's in), sewing on binding, and doing any non-quilt related sewing. The living room will have whichever machine I want to sew on at the time, and I think I'm going to start with my pink Atlas!
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
17 hours ago
Love your quilts. How did you quilt Faceted Jewels?
Faceted Jewels is beautiful! Please show us your living room sewing station when you set it up. I have a Pink Atlas also, and it is one of my favorite vintage machines! I have several vintage machines in cabinets in my sunroom. It is so easy to open one up to use and love using them to sew string blocks or log cabin blocks while watching the grandsons play.
Love the Jewels quilt. That green just pops!
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