I'm feeling a bit discombobulated these days, and most of it is either unrelated to Covid 19 or only loosely related. My day to day life has changed very little with the restrictions. I've even seen more people than most during quarantine because DD#3's family was living here when quarantine started, and then my sister moved to town during quarantine.
DH's job is secure, and since ER nurses can't work from home, he's still off to work regularly. His shift did get involuntarily changed, so his hours are different, and his pay is less on day shift which we aren't thrilled about, but whatever. We know we are still better off than most during this weird time.
The gas company changing all the lines and meters in our neighborhood is making me pretty crazy. They needed to work under our artificial turf, and it's costing us $500 to fix what they did to that. Once we were hooked to the new meter and line, they came inside the house to check all the gas appliances. Come to find out, the furnace we replaced three years ago was installed incorrectly, so they wouldn't turn our gas on, and when we called the company that installed it, they are insisting we pay $100 for them to fix their mistake. They did fix it, and our gas is on now, but we haven't paid the $100 yet, as we think we shouldn't have to pay to repair what they did incorrectly.
The gas company also messed with our gas stove, and now three of the knobs won't stay on the stove, if you touch them they just fall off. We were planning on replacing the stove this year, but we weren't planning on replacing it right now with all the extra bills we hadn't anticipated. A new stove just jumped up the list. The oven hasn't been working correctly, and I think it's not easily fixable, so we had already planned on replacing it.
I'm also just really tired of all the construction noise, and the fact that they park all of the big trucks by my house over the weekend, so every time I look out the window I just see all the trucks. In the grand scheme of things, I know I'm just whining, so forgive me for that. None of this is the end of the world, it's just inconvenient, and on top of everything else going on it seems like a lot.
I have gotten some sewing done, but nothing like last week.
The last of the fern fabric went into these blocks, which are my favorite use of the fern fabric. The block design is called Ribbon Block, and the version I found free online only used two fabrics. I was trying to use up the fern/pink bonus HST's I had from making Flying Geese units, and I only had 92 of those, so I opted to use the yellow fabric for the stars.
I put some up on the design wall so I could get a feel for the secondary pattern I knew it would create. I ended up with 48 blocks using every bit of that fern fabric, so the actual quilt will be set 6x8. I already have the rows sewn, I just need to get them pressed so I can sew the rows together. I have just enough yellow left to make the border.
The rest of the sewing I've been doing is dealing with leftover units from my scrap busting spree. I'll still be doing that for a bit.
Arizona is partially reopened, so my sister and I went to JoAnn fabric so I could get some giraffe flannel for burp rags for my nephews baby. They only had a remnant in stock, so we'll see what I can make with what I got. I told the lady at the cutting counter I think I have more fabric at my house than they did at the store. It was an exaggeration, but it really did look like the last couple days of a Going Out of Business sale in there. I needed a couple different solids, and they were wiped out, so I ended up ordering some from fabric.com and they said it wouldn't arrive until late JUNE! Even with the wait, I ended up having to buy extra wide solids to get the colors I needed. Most of the 44" solids were unavailable. I'm not buying any fabric to stash these days, it's only what I need for a specific project.
I haven't worked on the baby quilts at all, I really need to piece the second backing and get those basted. I did get the acrylic surround for my new sewing machine, so I can quilt the baby quilts on my Janome M7 and see how that goes.
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
17 hours ago
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