Thursday, August 20, 2020

What Goes Up! Must Come Down

What a week! Last weekend we had our youngest grandson for the weekend, and we had a blast!

His favorite activities of the weekend was either going back forth between Nana and Pappy or this...

He figured out he could turn my lamp on and off and he thought it was quite magical.

I did indeed take a rest day after he left, and my week has been pretty busy with non-sewing stuff. DH is off this week, and although he was busy, just him being home throws me off schedule. Don't get me wrong, I love him being around, it's just hard for me to do the things I normally do when he's at work. It's not because he prevents me, but I just can't get my act together. 

This is the quilt I was working on last week. I've got it into columns now, but haven't sewn those together. 

I'm working on the giraffe quilt, but I made a mistake on all four heads, so there was some murmuring and gnashing of teeth while I unsewed and fixed that. The head is correct in this photo. I have parts of the body done, but it's not sewn into a chunk yet. Hopefully I'll get to work on that tomorrow.

Today I had a BIG distraction! The shed DH ordered to be his woodworking shop arrived. It's a beast, it came fully assembled, and because of where the power lines run, they had to use a crane and lift it over our house!

The truck with the shed and the crane.

The crane setting up in our driveway.

Going up!

Starting over the house.

Please don't hit the chimney!

Right where DH wanted it in the back corner of the yard! The shed is 12x16 ft, so it's a good size, but since it will be workshop, anything smaller wasn't really going to work. We don't have a garage and have no way to add one. 

Our backyard is quite large by Tucson standards, and we still have plenty of backyard space. We need to set up all my metal flowers again in new locations, but not today. It was 106 degrees when they delivered the shed, and DH and I had to keep putting ice packs on our phones just to be able to take photos. The phones were overheating, and honestly, so was I. When the weather finally cools off, and we aren't setting record high temps, Then I'll get the patio cleaned up and get my metal flowers all situated in their new places. 

We plan to put a barn quilt on the side of the shed. Since it will be a woodshop, we've decided a Carpenter's Star will be perfect! That's a project for cooler weather as well. 

DD#1 took this photo on their homestead a couple hours away from here. I thought it was an amazing photo, and really wanted to share it with you! Nothing like being able to see exactly where it's raining!

1 comment:

swooze said...

What an amazing picture!