Thursday, August 22, 2024

Finish #23

 I took the time to baste three smaller quilts, and I just now finished binding the first of those. 

The HST's that make up the stars are bonus HST's from another quilt (that's still not quilted). I decided to frame the stars for a couple reasons. First of all, the quilt was going to be too small if I didn't, and second of all, sewing the blocks together was much easier without the bulk of putting the blocks directly against each other. I have made quilts with this block set block to block, but not with these tiny units. Each HST finishes at 1.25" so those stars have a lot of seams really close together. 

I finished the Murder Mystery blocks for August. I really enjoyed making these, and I was happy to have an easy month. So far I've been happy with my color choices in each month's blocks. Whether I'll still be satisfied with my choices when the quilt top comes together remains to be seen, but that's the risk you take in a quilt mystery. 

I did get quite a bit of cutting for Christmas gifts done this week, at least as far as stuff for the grandkids goes. I'm hoping to finish cutting a couple more projects by tomorrow afternoon, when I get the round one of grandkids for a busy time of sleepovers. I've got a couple projects planned for this weekend with the grands, but we also have a day trip with them planned too, so I'm not sure we'll have time to do the projects. No worries if we don't, these aren't the grands that are moving away, so I can do the projects next time I have them for the weekend if we don't get to them this weekend. I'm betting their parents won't mind if I tell them I need the kids for another weekend soon ;-)

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