Wednesday, May 15, 2019

He's Here!

The grandbaby we've been waiting for has arrived. I was blessed and got to see him be born!

He's a big boy at 9 pounds even! He was 20.5 inches long. His name is Titus William, but from now on he will be known as Mr. T on he blog. 

They got some really cute pics done at the hospital. These are a couple of my favorites.

In his daddy's hands.

Holding onto Mama.

When he got home we snapped a pic of him on his quilt. 

Now DD#2 has a beautiful family of four. 

I got back home last night, and just crashed. Today was laundry and errands. I still haven't made it downstairs to the sewing room yet. Tomorrow I hope to get my Bernina set back up and all the sewing things that need to be unpacked put away. Likely no sewing tomorrow either, because DH and I are hoping to go see Avengers:Endgame. If I can get everything set back up, I'm hoping for a productive sewing day on Friday. 

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