Thursday, February 17, 2022

Barn Quilts

 DH is really into barns. Back when we lived in the Midwest he was always taking photos of them. Obviously I'm really into quilts, so barn quilts being something we both enjoy is pretty much a given. In fact, for several years now, I've bought barn quilt calendars to hang in the kitchen.

When DH bought a big shed to be his woodshop he chose a shed that looks like a barn, and he wanted a barn quilt on it. We've actually had the barn quilt up for a while, but I don't think I ever blogged about it. We hemmed and hawed about which quilt block we should choose, and I finally decided that since it was going on a wood shop, it should be Carpenter Star.

DD#2 knew we really wanted a barn quilt for the shed, so she talked to her husband, and he made it for us.

He did a fantastic job, and DD#1 and her husband liked it so well, this past Christmas they asked DH to make them one for their new chicken coop/duck house.

So, even though DH didn't have to make our barn quilt, he did make one. DD#1 had me choose the block, so I chose Duck Tracks.

They are going for an Americana type look on their homestead, so this worked. 

Here is a photo of some of their eggs. The duck egg is the odd man out and the only white egg in the photo. All the other eggs are chicken eggs. They give us eggs regularly, so I've gotten used to my eggs looking like Easter all year round! 

DD#1 and DSIL really liked their barn quilt, and I know I never posted what they got me for Christmas. 

I hung it on a door in my sewing room that I actually never use, it goes to a bathroom, and if I use that bathroom I usually use the door from the hallway. It's covering up a really ugly mirror the last homeowner glued to the door. I much prefer looking at this than that hideous mirror. 

I know it's kind of an odd post, but I really didn't do anything quilty this week that's photo worthy. I've got Miss X's quilt into rows, and I made a bunch of units for a future quilt, but the blocks aren't even done yet. I did cut the rest of the fabric for those blocks yesterday. I also received my March/April Quiltmaker magazine, and I cut all the blocks for clue 2 of the Ruby Jubilee mystery quilt, but I haven't sewn any of them yet. 

After I press what I sewed up today, there will be no quilting action going on for a few days. Tomorrow we're doing an outing to the zoo with DD#1's family, then I'm keeping their two girls for the weekend. I've got crafts planned, a tea party with my sister, and maybe even an outing for ice cream! Playing with the grandkids is a good reason to take a quilting break! 

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