I think I have quilter's ADD right now. I can't seem to stay on task with anything. That is made worse with the fact I need to keep alternating my activities to rest my arm.
So, last blog post I said I'd get the borders on DD#3 wedding quilt. Didn't happen. I said I was going to quilt a UFO. Done, but I haven't gotten binding on it yet. What did I do instead?
See this big pile that needs pressing? It's even bigger now, and has parts of five different quilts on it! I keep running out of leaders/enders, so I grab another UFO that I can move along to next step as leaders/enders. I've had a couple long days of sewing, and I really need to rest my arm, so aside from binding the UFO I just quilted, I think the next couple days will have some short pressing sessions to get through this pile.
I cut this huge pile of burp rags. I use flannel with Warm and Natural batting when making burp rags. I cut all the batting from larger scraps, and didn't have to cut any off my roll. I'm not sure when I'll make the burp rags my primary project, but it needs to be soon, the first baby shower is in February.
I rough cut some swaddling blankets too. I need to press the fabric and get out a ruler and cutting mat to make the largest square I can from the fabric I chose. Once those are trimmed, they are quick to sew. It felt good clearing some baby prints out of stash.
I also cut out the third baby quilt I need. I really need to have all the baby stuff finished by mid-March, and that's stuff for three different babies! I feel like I'm pretty much on target to get the baby stuff done on time.
Oh, I also have the five weighted blankets pinned to their backings, and the backings are trimmed. I'll need to sew the side seams, then I can turn them right side out and start sewing the channels for the plastic pellets.
I'm trying to keep enough stuff going that I can alternate between cutting, sewing, pressing, and quilting. I've also been drawing lines on squares for sew and flip corners too. It makes for a lot going on, but so far, I've mostly stuck to deadline stuff. I'm using various UFO's in the mix as well. Progress is progress, even if it's not all on the same project!
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
23 hours ago
1 comment:
That’s a lot of cutting and sewing! Do you use a serger for your burp rags, or how do you finish them?
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