I don't know what it is these days, but my machines must have gotten the memo that the world has gone mad! Now my Singer 201 (my favorite vintage machine) isn't sewing right. It can only sew VERY slowly. The stitches are still fine, but the motor doesn't seem to be...
Now I've switched out to my Rocketeer, and it's been a while since I sewed on it. It's funny how hard it can be to get used to sewing on a different machine.
I still haven't gotten my longarm fixed, and with all this quarantine business I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. Thankfully, DD#3 was able to pick up my Bernina from it's spa treatment before the quilt shop closed for quarantine.
Yesterday I finished basting the purple quilt for Miss E, and I got the Bernina set up for quilting. I don't normally quilt quilts that large on the Bernina now that I have a long arm, but since I have a broken longarm at the moment, I'm thankful I have the Bernina back.
This week has been all about childcare, so little sewing has gotten done. Next week I should have quite a bit of time to sew. I had hoped to have these log cabin blocks done by now, but that didn't happen.
I'm home most of the time anyway, so the quarantine hasn't affected me in that way. My husband is an Emergency Room RN, so he's working quite a bit of overtime right now, which does change things for me.
If anything, this whole thing has reminded me how incredibly blessed I am. How amazing is it to live in a country where we are so used to every possible thing being always available, that if it's not, people panic. Most of the world has no where near the abundance we Americans take for granted.
I'm thankful I live in a house, and even during a quarantine my grandkids can go in the backyard to play.
I'm thankful that even without going to the store, I had things in the house I could share with others, and even though we may end up eating some really odd meals, no one here is going to go hungry.
Goodness knows I could quilt for ages on what I have in stash!
Most of my kids are fields that will survive the crisis, one I am especially concerned for as far as jobs go. With DH being a nurse, he's getting more hours, not less, so he's got a lot of job security. He also has risk associated with the job, but we'll take that as it comes. He gets exposed to a lot of stuff on a regular basis.
Life may be full of challenges these days, but keep looking for the blessings, you can find them, even on the dark days, if you look hard enough.
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
17 hours ago
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