Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Greek Murder Mystery May Blocks

 I'm still waiting to hear about my Janome. The only thing I've quilted in the last week was the fronts to some quilted pillow shams. Quilting small stuff like that on the Bernina is super easy. I haven't gotten around to cutting the backs for the pillow shams, but they'll be finished in a day once I do.

These are my May blocks for the Greek Murder Mystery. The designer gave us two options for May, and I chose the more complicated version. After doing the Viking Murder Mystery quilt last year, I knew that this designer and I have drastically different preferred methods for making units. I've been quilting long enough that I am very comfortable changing the cutting directions, to accomodate my preferred methods. As long as my finished blocks are the correct size, it will make no difference in the finished quilt. I made sure I had a bit more of all the fabrics than the fabric requirements said to have, but overall, I think my methods use LESS fabric than the designers. She's a "make it oversized and trim it down" kind of girl, and I'm a "cut it the right size and sew accurately and be done with it" kind of girl. There are no wrong answers here, the finished blocks are identical. 

One thing that is different between her blocks and mine is that my pinwheels all spin in the same direction. Hers have two spinning one direction, and two spinning the other. I doubt it matters either way, and if it does I'll deal with it during layout. Hers have to spin different ways due to her construction method. I could have made mine spin different ways, but I am seriously doubting it matters, and doing them all the same was easier for me. 

We had a family gathering on Memorial Day, which was quite fun. I don't have a quilt on my design wall right now, because the next two to assemble are for grandsons that were here this week. Now I can put one up and start assembling them. Hopefully by the time they are assembled and basted, I'll have my Janome back. 

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