Friday, April 17, 2020

A Change of Pace

I've made about 200 face masks and I am so over making them! 

Here's a pic DD#1 sent me of her kids wearing the masks I sent her. Is it cute or heartbreaking? Could go either way on that.

In my mask making, I used up 18 yards of fabric, 18 yards of interfacing, and about 500 yards of bias tape! 

This drawer started out completely full, plus I used up a couple of rolls of bias tape. On the plus side, with so much of this drawer empty, I got to rearrange a few things storage-wise, and I'm very happy with the changes! I do have a big pile of bias tape scraps that I plan to piece into scrappy binding, but I really wanted to start FMQ.

If it's needed, I can make more masks later, but I needed a break from making them. They aren't hard to sew, but they aren't stress relieving in the slightest, for me anyway.

The youngest in the above photo is turning two in May, and I haven't quilted her quilt yet. I started working on that, and it is just the thing for me to work on. Her quilt is bright and cheery, and spirals are just fun to quilt! It's a very welcome change. I haven't done any FMQ for a while, and it's a pretty big quilt to quilt on my Bernina, but I know whatever wobbles are obvious close up will be less noticeable once the quilt is finished. I try to vary the size and shape on my spirals so I can both have a bit more fun with it, and fill in the spaces better. 

Now I've got four baby quilts to make, and I haven't started any of them. The due dates range from July-December, so I really need to get started on those too. Thankfully, baby quilts don't usually take that long to make, so I should be fine. 

My life, like everyone else's, is pretty upside down right now. To add to all the craziness, the post office messed up when my daughter filled out a change of address card, and now we aren't getting any mail, but she's not getting our mail either. I have a couple packages that are MIA, and the bills I knew were due I paid online. I'm sure it will all show up someplace eventually, it's just frustrating. 

Oh, not to mention the city is replacing all the gas lines in our neighborhood right now, and they are saying they may just cut through our artificial turf to do it, which given how much it cost us is not impressing me. I'm trying to get them to roll it back instead of cutting it. I had been trying to keep the windows open because the weather has been great, but with all the dust that's being kicked up from all the digging, that's not practical any more. I understand it needs to be done, it just seems a lot on top of everything else. 

How's your quarantine going?

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