Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Longarm Killing Quilt Is a Finish

I've been calling this quilt "The Longarm Killer". I was quilting this quilt when I had the thread break that wrapped around the bobbin race, and got the needle stuck down and was basically a whole plethora of problems. I had to cut the needle in half to get the quilt unstuck and get it to a repairman. When I got the longarm back, and I tried to finish quilting this quilt, I again had nothing but problems with it, There's nothing unusual about this quilt. All of the fabrics in it have been used on other quilts, it's got a batting type I've used on dozens of quilts, the thread I was using I've used on other quilts, it's not even a bunch of really tiny pieces everywhere with tons of seams. All of the HST's in this quilt are bonus HST's from double sewing diagonal lines on another quilt. 

I ended up finishing quilting this quilt on my Bernina 440, and had no issues with it. I sewed the binding on with my New Janome M7, and it did great!

Here is the stitching on the front.

And here is the binding stitching on the back. It looks just like the front, and you can't ask for better than that! I guess this quilt only kills longarms, and leaves DSM's intact. I haven't been so glad to get a quilt finished in quite a while, all the problems finishing this UFO was really getting to me. I was tempted to put it aside, and at one point I even debated tossing it out of frustration, but I'm glad I stuck with it and finished it. 

I made four masks on the M7 and it sewed like a champ with those too. There was no bogging down on the bulk of the pleats. So far I am quite happy with the Janome M7, and I'm anxiously awaiting getting the acrylic surround for my cabinet so I can try quilting on it. 

The new cone of thread I needed to finish Miss E's quilt arrived, and I've been quilting my hour per day on the Bernina. I'm past the halfway point now, and the second half always seems to go faster than the first half. This is a pretty large quilt to quilt on the Bernina after being used to the longarm, so my arm isn't too happy with me, but I should be able to finish quilting this quilt before I get the surround for my M7, so I know I won't be cramming quilts through the smaller space for long. 

I also had a chance to work on some of the super scrappy black/white log cabin blocks I started a while back. Those are getting closer to being done, and my vintage Singer 201 is sewing great after it's spa treatment. 

I've chosen a pattern for another baby quilt, and I need to cut the sashing for one and get another cut, then those two will be on my current project list. I chose a pattern for a third baby quilt, but I need to buy and download the pattern before I can start on it. I have sashing that needs to be cut for several quilts, so if I could get into doing that, I'll be able to move several projects to the quilt top stage! Now all I need is some motivation!

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