Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Design Wall Full? Welcome to the Design Floor!

I finished assembling the three brown/burgundy quilt tops I was working on last week. Now I've got a different quilt on the design wall.

It's nice and cheery and I haven't been in too much of a hurry to take it down and assemble it.

The problem came in when I was just randomly assembling columns for another quilt, but I need to lay the columns out to try to prevent too many of the same fabrics being grouped together. Thus, the design floor.

I do have one spot where the same fabric touches diagonally (besides the navy background). I've decided it's just going to stay that way, because every time I tried rearranging the columns I ended up with something touching. This quilt looks pretty trippy, and I made it with a teen in mind. The pattern is called Cascade and the tutorial is here. My plan is to press the columns tonight, and then sew the last four seams tomorrow. Since I was using scraps and not jelly rolls, my quilt is not the same dimensions as the tutorial. I also decided against borders, and the pattern calls for borders. I think it's pretty funny, I have the binding tool you use to make this quilt in two sizes, but I've never used it for binding. There are several quilt patterns that use the binding tool as a template, and I wanted to make a couple of those, so that's why I bought them. I'd totally make this quilt again! It's fast and easy, and has a fun modern vibe. I think you could have a lot of fun doing a rainbow quilt with this pattern, and plan the cascade drops across the quilt. 

The bridal shower I went to on Saturday was lovely. The bride liked the quilt, and gave me a huge hug! The wedding is in about ten days, and I'm looking forward to it. Neither the shower nor the wedding are large affairs. 

This coming weekend I'm having DD#1's family over for Miss A's birthday. She's turning 7, and one of the things I'm giving her is a cross necklace I got when I was seven. I came across it when I was decluttering in June, and decided she's the granddaughter who should get that. It's a very nice quality necklace, which is the only reason I've kept a child's necklace all these years. I never even considered giving it to one of my three daughters, but giving it to Miss A seems right. Sometimes you just know it's time to pass something on when the right person comes along. 

Besides the Cascade Quilt, I sewed up the blocks for three other quilts this week. They were all scrap projects that were already started, I'm not starting any new projects until I clear up some of my current projects. I also finished the weighted blanket I really didn't want to make. I've been using nine patches as my leader/project for quite a while now, and I am really sick of nine patches! I've still got quite a few nine patches to go, so hopefully by the time I've got the latest batch of quilts assembled, I'll be finished with the nine patches. I have so many quilts ready to assemble it's crazy! Of course, once I get all those scrappy nine patches finished, that will be several more quilt tops, but I'll have to decided how to set them, and that may take a while. 

I finally started sewing the last of the 2021 wedding quilts. It's been cut for a while now, and it's finally made it to the front of the piecing queue! Well, I say front of the queue, but actually, I was using it as leaders/enders while I pieced the side borders for the bargello quilt. I'd like to get that bargello quilt top finished in the next week or so. 

DH has next week off work, so I don't know how much sewing time I'll have. There's actually a lot going on over the next month or so, so I'm going to have to be really flexible. DH has two different weeks off in the next month, not consecutively. I have a birthday party and a wedding happening, plus I will have two different pairs of grandkids spending multiple nights here at different times. Lots of interruptions, but good ones, so it's all fine. 

 My sewing goals for the next month are to assemble quilt tops as I have time, piece the wedding quilt and finish planning the baby and kid quilt that now have a before Christmas deadline. I hope to make steady progress doing my FMQ an hour per day, and for non-quilty stuff my focus will be cutting and sewing up scrub tops for DH. How much I'll get done it anyone's guess, but if I don't make a plan and have it prioritized, nothing will get done. I'd rather have a plan and not meet my goals because life got busy, than have the time and not get things done because I didn't know where to start. 

I'm sure some people are great at winging it, but I'm a "fail to plan is a plan to fail" kind of girl. I like lists, they keep me focused, even if that list has me working on several things at once. 

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