The quilt I'm making will be about 102" square. I needed to thin out my 2" strip drawers, and I thought this would make a difference. Well, I can notice a difference in my light strip drawer, because I didn't have as many of those to begin with, but honestly, I can still barely close my dark strip drawer, and I pulled 70 dark strips! How many strips are in that drawer anyway?
Last night after I sewed close the last cool tie, I got out my laptop, played with EQ and changed my planned quilt a bit. I decided some of the elements weren't noticeable enough, so some I eliminated, and on others I changed the colors. I am much happier with the design now, and I can't wait to see it in real fabrics. I never use EQ's cutting directions, but I figured out my cutting plan, and after I pull a couple pieces of yardage today, to be my constants in this scrappy wonderland, I'm hoping to get the center of the quilt cut out today. I'll cut the borders after the blocks are done.
I have a couple of quilts ready for assembly, so I will be playing on my design wall too, getting a quilt laid out to assemble as my leader/ender project.
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