My favorite suitcase just fits my sewing machine, so I am already packing it with sewing supplies for our trip. I am so anxious for some down time, both for sewing and just relaxing with DH. It's been crazy lately, and we can really use the break.
I just realized my next post is my 300th! I try to do a blog giveaway every 1oo posts, and I am planning one, but I won't do it until after my vacation. I may blog before or during vacation (got to love having a laptop) so it won't be right at my 300th post. Please forgive me for not being timely on this. I really will do the giveaway, just a little late. Maybe I can find something really great to add to the giveaway on our trip! Make sure to come back and check out the giveaway, probably in about two weeks :-)
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