I did get all the addresses I needed for the blog giveaway winners, so I mailed three packages this morning. I have been averaging 100 posts every 11 months, so probably some time next May, I'll be doing another giveaway.
My sewing to-do list is fairly overwhelming right now. Two queen-sized quilts, two twin-sized quilts, and two crib quilts, all needed ASAP. I'm hoping to get them all done this summer. They are rapidly approaching assembly stage, so I'm feeling good about my progress. If I can get these six quilts completed, I'll spend the rest of the year finishing up other projects. I have way too many UFO's piling up. Two years ago I had no UFO's and now I have a bunch. That is not a good change, and I'd love to get back on track.
I am really anxious to go on a quilting spree, for several reasons. I can get some finishes once I'm quilting, and I can work on my free-motion skills, both valid reasons to go on a quilting spree. My main reason for wanting to go on a quilting spree has to do with the weather. It is SOOOO hot in my sewing room with the iron on, I want to quilt so it doesn't have to be on!
I read something Pat Sloan said the other day, and she mentioned all her UFO's are things for her. I am similar in that, I always put things for myself on the back burner to get things for others finished. The comforter on my bed is literally falling apart, with holes and everything. I started a quilt for our bed 2 1/2 years ago and it's not even close to being done. I'd like to get caught up on the projects that need to be done, and actually work on my quilt.
I'm also trying to figure out a way to work in the projects I found when I rearranged my sewing room. The twins are starting to eat food now, and I'm so glad my mom made them some bibs. It buys me some time to get the ones I was planning to make done. I think I need to buy some more ribbing, but I'll have to look through my garments fabric to see if I have some stuck in there.
I made the twins four summer blankets, but DD#3 said she needs two more. I found just enough of that crinkly cotton in my stash to make the last two. They will be of the same fabric, but that is much cheaper than going to buy more fabric. I trimmed off the selvages and cut them to size today, while I was trimming all the string blocks. If I find time to sew tomorrow, I'll hem them up and those will be done ;-)
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