Ah the fun I would have, making the first units. I really enjoy making that particular unit, so I was all set to go. I decided to dig through my 1 1/2" strip drawers to see if I had any strips in the correct colors. I did, so I got those out and set them on the cutting table. I also dug out strips in the colors I will be doing string blocks in, since I know I don't have enough string stash in those colors. I knew I had a few more men's shirt in my shirt stash that were the right colors, so I got out that stash and started to go through it looking for fabrics in my colors for the mystery quilt.
THAT'S WHEN IT HAPPENED! I was looking through all my shirts that I've been collecting, and they took over! Petting all that fabric got to me, and I glanced up at the plastic containers I bought a few weeks ago to put strips of my shirt fabrics in after they are cut and sorted by size. The containers were all empty, and looking all forlorn, and the shirts were so soft, temporary insanity was here! It started innocently enough, and I decided to separate out the collar and cuff pieces which I use for strings. One container for light strings, one for dark, this won't take long at all... Since I am going to be cutting for the mystery quilt anyway, maybe I should keep out one piece of each shirt, and I can just cut the shirt pieces into strips little at a time....Yeah, that's a good idea...a few shirt fronts, maybe a sleeve here and there, just one piece from each shirt, it will be so nice to start pre-cutting for some of many Bonnie quilts I'd like to make from shirts...
That was yesterday morning, and I have yet to cut any more strips for the mystery quilt :-(
I didn't work on what I planned on working on, but the up side is I have the cutting started for several other projects I want to make. It's all good, right?
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