I am trying to do a blog post from my phone and I've never tried this before. Hopefully this will come out right.
I sewed all day today and got all 16 block A's done for Easy Street. The colors remind me of fruit salad which sounds pretty tasty. I took a photo of a couple blocks along with my potential border fabric. If I do an inner border I am clueless on which color to use, maybe cheddar? I think I need to see the center together before I can decide.
Tomorrow is a holiday so DD3 can watch the twins and I can sew. I've already laid out Block B and my goal is to make all 9 of those in a day. Less work than I did today so it should be doable.
I don't know when I'll get the top assembled but just having it in blocks is a relief. My sewing room is slowly getting cleaned up as I get projects to block stage. I have several quilts ready to assemble which just makes me happy!
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
18 hours ago
Fruit salad, we use to eat that all the time growing up. Now that I am an adult, I know it was a cheap dessert for the family that would last for the week.
I'm voting for the purple colour you used in the blocks, for the inner border if you decide you want one!
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