Friday, October 18, 2013

Not Much Quilting Going On

Here is the total of my quilting for the week. Two blocks on Thrice Broken Dishes. I didn't do a practice of this pattern, and I probably should have, but I'm guessing I'll get better, and by the time the quilt is finished being quilted, the first two wobbly blocks won't stand out too much. It will definitely look better after I wash the pink quilt pounce off. DD#2's wedding is December 8th, so I need to get to work on this!

It has been wedding central around here. The bridal shower is in two weeks, and there is still a lot to do for it. We're trying to wrap up the last of the wedding shopping. I tried looking for new shoes to wear to the wedding, but after trying several stores, I think I'm going to stick with a pair I already have and are comfortable. I'll be chasing the twins part of the time, and comfy shoes are more important than fancy shoes I'm thinking. At least all the dresses for everyone are purchased!

Tonight we started working on the wedding favors, and they are looking cute. It will likely take one or two more sessions to get them finished. I am hoping I can get the shower favors together in one evening, because there aren't as many and they are simpler.

It's funny to think that as soon as the craziness is over with this wedding, we'll only have a short break before the craziness starts on the next one! Two weddings fourteen weeks apart, the second being at our house! Yup, wedding central around here.

DS the Elder is moving to Indiana, and he's leaving next week! We will need to store his stuff for a while, so DH completely emptied the shed this week, and got rid of a bunch, and sorted through everything. Now DD#3's stuff is in the back, because she'll be here the longest. DD#2's stuff is in the front corner, because she'll be moving soon since she's getting married, and now there is plenty of room to store DS the Elder's stuff. Looks like we'll be packing a moving truck with his stuff the day after the wedding! He'll fly back for his sister's wedding, and move his stuff then. I'm glad I'm not moving right now, I'd hate to think of packing all of our stuff on top of everything else going on.

This was my first full week of having my babysitting hours doubled. It does really make things harder to get done, but I expected that. I'm sure I'll settle into a routine soon enough.

I hope all of you are getting some sewing time in. Someone should be quilting!

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