I'm at it again! I can never work on just one project, and now is no exception. I started cutting DS the Younger's wedding quilt...
... and while I was cutting...I started cutting a quilt for DS the Elder...
...and another wedding quilt I will need for next year.
I just found out one wedding quilt I thought I'd need next year, I won't need after all. Funny thing is, that's the one that had all the blocks done and just needed to be assembled. Oh well.
Did you ever have one of those times that your math skills were WAY off, and you completely mis-figured yardage? This was one of those times, and I am really short on background for both my sons quilts. I am using the same background on both of them, and I'm using a solid. I usually go for scrappy everything, and that is the beauty of going scrappy, if I run out of the fabrics I had planned to use, I just grab more fabrics of the same color and go on. The good thing is that the solid I am using is Kona Khaki, so even though the new yardage I ordered will be a different dye lot, it should be really close and unnoticeable. I think my new order will arrive sometime next week. Yes, I could have gotten it locally, but I haven't had any time for shopping. Point and click shopping I could squeeze in.
This has been a busy week with family stuff. We had to finish cleaning out DS the Elder's apartment and get his keys turned in. He is already in Indiana, but his stuff is still stored here in town. He'll fly back in three weeks for DD#2's wedding, and then rent a truck to move his stuff.
The wedding is fast approaching, but honestly, I've done nothing for it this week. I needed a break from that. The bachelorette party was tonight, so I stayed home and put the twins to bed so both my local daughters could go. I need to start working on the placecards, and brush up on my calligraphy skills!
We arranged to have our backyard makeover finished. The artificial turf goes in right around the wedding. It's going to be a crazy time, but it will be nice to have that project done. We are paying to have it installed, we would have waited if we were doing it ourselves. We need to get the yard finished so we can start working on DS the Younger's wedding (in March), which will be in our backyard. Fourteen weeks between weddings, with Christmas in between! It's busy around here.
DD#2 is almost done packing her personal stuff, and now she just has to work on her business. She sells used books on Amazon, and she has a dozen sets of bookshelves to move, and about 40-50 boxes of books. Her personal items don't looks like much in comparison.
Once the wedding is over, I'll be in a hurry to turn her old room into a guest room. I think the newlyweds are coming down the weekend before Christmas to celebrate with us, and I want them to have a functional guest room to stay in. I'd love to paint the room, but with everything going on, I think that will have to wait.
I need a quilt for what will be the guest bed. I was planning on taking the quilt from our bed, and moving it down there, and putting a different quilt on our bed. The thing is, that quilt isn't finished yet! I did all the ditch quilting on it last weekend, and this weekend I hope to get some more quilting done on it. With the current paint colors in the soon to be guest room, the quilt from our bed would look awful in there, but the quilt I am working on will look fine. If I can get it finished, I'll likely just put the new quilt in the guest room until DH has a chance to paint that room for me. We can switch quilts later.
I think that covers most of the chaos around here. Happy quilting!
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
17 hours ago
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