It's crazy for me to think that two weeks from today my youngest son will be getting my backyard...when my house is a wreck...but my son's getting two weeks!!!
Life has been crazy around here, like really crazy, and it's going to get worse. The
good news? The hall bath I showed last post is done AND so is the
master bath!
Here is a view of the master bath from the doorway. Love, love, love the purple!
And this is the view from standing in the shower.
More good news? My BIL figured out a way to keep the twins safer on the stairs. The railing on our stairs is not to today's safety standards, and until now we've kept the twins off the stairs with gates unless we were right with them. With all the remodeling, I've been un-childproofing a few things, and access to the stairs was on of those changes.
The black wrought iron railing was all that was there originally. My BIL added the lattice to cover up the child sized holes in the railing. He also made the lattice taller on the landing, to make it just that much safer for the twins. Someday I'd love to take the wrought iron railing out, and replace it with a nice wooden system, but that is really expensive and we can't do that right now.
OK, there is the good news. The bad news? Well....we need to replace the duct work in the house, as there are holes in it. The house is 50 years old, and we've already done a ton to it, but it sure does seem like it's self destructing right now. If that weren't enough, when I was cleaning the downstairs bathroom a couple days ago (we remodeled it three years ago), I realized the flooring around the toilet was stained, and it is stained from underneath. Yes, the toilet was leaking at some point, though it doesn't seem to be now. So, today my BIL and I went and bought new flooring for THAT bathroom, and he's going to pull the toilet, determine the problem, fix that and replace the flooring and toilet. Thankfully, the rest of that bathroom should be fine, though the vanity and sink may need to be pulled to replace the flooring. It should be able to go back just fine, as everything in that bathroom is only three years old.
Since we're so far into this, I decided to add a few misc. jobs while I have my BIL in town. He'll be adding some lattice on one side of the patio for some afternoon shade, building a screen to hide the air conditioner unit, and building new bigger shelves for my vintage sewing machines! It's like moving without the packing, so much has been done to the house in the last six months.
I doubt it's too surprising I haven't sewn a stitch. I'm not likely to either. I've been going through everything before I reload the new bathrooms, and getting rid of some stuff, while making lists of things I need to purchase. My husband is a nurse, and you could never tell by looking at our first aid supplies. We had three half used expired tubes of antibiotic ointment. Multiple boxes of bandaids, but not a full box between them. I found three cases for thermometers, but only one thermometer between all three bathrooms.
I've been working on cleaning up the house in general. With all the remodeling for the last six weeks, not much is actually where it belongs. DH and I spent quite a bit of time cleaning our bedroom yesterday. Not only did I clean off my dresser, but I cleaned my drawers, and filled a bag with donations. I've been having a horrible time finding any socks in my drawer, and I thought I needed more, since I've thrown out several pairs lately. Well, after organizing my drawers, my socks take up more space than my nightgowns! Where were they all hiding?
For the next week, cleaning is my priority. Cleaning for a week, cooking for a week, then I should be ready for the wedding. Hopefully the remodeling will finish sometime before the wedding. I'm not panicked at this point, as long as I end up with a new daughter out of the deal, the wedding will have been a success, even if the house isn't spotless, and the food isn't perfect.
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
17 hours ago
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