No pics on this post, I just haven't taken any. Renovations continue. Sunday morning I went into the kitchen and my socks got all wet AGAIN! Turns out the dishwasher had a crack in the tub, and it was leaking too! We had three leaks all at the same time! What are the odds of that? Icemaker leak, drain pipe leak, and dishwasher leak! Well, after doing a bunch of online research, we purchased a new dishwasher, and it is now installed. Since we were redoing so much in the kitchen, I went ahead and replaced the cabinet knobs, because we have had several break in the last couple years, and the cabinets were sporting mismatched knobs. I screwed the last of the new knobs on today. I am hoping we are really done in the kitchen this time.
The hallway bathroom remodel is coming along well, and it's possible that it may be done on Saturday. It depends on the flooring mostly, since when we went to get it, it was out of stock citywide, and Lowe's is supposed to get a big shipment in tomorrow, but they weren't sure what time. I chose a high quality sheet vinyl, and to get something in stock I would have had to go down in quality, and I didn't want to do that. I had several people suggest ceramic tile, but I am not a fan of ceramic tile. To each their own.
My bathroom is next on the remodel list. I am already out a sink, and complete demolition will commence within the next couple of days. I know it will be great when all the remodeling is done and over with, but it's sure not much fun during the process.
DS the Younger's wedding is getting closer and closer. All the remodeling should be done three weeks before the wedding, so I will have a little time to get the house back to normal and cleaned before we are wedding central. I've purchased the last of the stuff I needed to get for the wedding with the exception of the food. DS the Younger and future DDIL have done most of the work themselves, as well as paid for most of the things. They went with a rental place that will deliver and set up the tables and chairs for the wedding, as well as pick them up! I think that's a great plus! Right now the backyard has stuff for the renovations all over it, but it should be lovely for the wedding.
I'm hoping for good weather. If it gets cool we can rent or buy some outdoor heaters. So far our winter has been incredibly mild, so while the rest of the country has been freezing, we've had lovely weather. I wish we'd get our winter rains though, otherwise the fire danger will be very high spring and summer.
Besides screwing on new cabinet knobs, and choosing all the fixtures, I'm not doing any work on the renovations. I don't know why, but I'm still just having a horrible time getting anything done, so sewing is pretty much a wash these days. I did manage to get DS the Younger's wedding quilt into rows, and even sewed some of those into pairs, but it's SLOW going. I noticed I had two of the same fabric next to each other, and it's staying there. I just don't have it in me to do all the ripping required to fix it. I'll probably find a couple more spots with the same problem. When you are making a scrappy quilt 108" square, it's hard to spot everyplace two of the same fabric meets, and rearrange it so none do. I'm not going to tell them about it, and I'll just wait and see if they ever notice or mention it ;-)
We are still working on potty training the twins, and that is a big time investment too. Miss S is doing OK, and Mr. L has at least had a couple successes now. I'm hoping for a big breakthrough soon with that. Hmmm, renovations, potty training, a wedding...maybe I have a decent excuse for not getting much sewing done after all.
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
17 hours ago
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