I'm working on Allietare when I can, and not stressing about it when I can't. I am all caught up with cutting at least! I was really excited when Clue 5 had no extra cutting, so I only had to work on cutting out clue 4 in both colorways to catch up on the cutting. I figure, if I at least get everything cut, I can catch up on the sewing as leaders/enders if I need to.
I am furthest along on my men's shirt colorway. I have all of clue 1 done, all of clue 2, most of clue three, one set of clue 4, and one of clue 5. I haven't done any of the knocked off corners on the big neutral rectangles.
Here is a sample of how that shirt colorway is looking. Remember, I moved the colors around, so no, my reds aren't in the wrong place.
On the bright colorway, I am finished clue 1, done part of clue 2, all of clue 3, one set of clue 4, and one of clue 5. Again, I haven't done any knocked off corners on the big rectangles yet.
On my monitor that solid is really looking blue, but it's purple, trust me on this.
I'm going to have to be really careful to keep those HST's oriented correctly on clue 5. Since my neutral in one colorway is light, and my neutral in the other colorway is dark, it would be easy to flip them.
DD#1, who chose the color combinations, asked if I had any guesses on where Bonnie is going with this, and I had to tell her, I've been too busy to even think about it much. I did the math to see how much of the quilt top is accounted for at this point, just so I'd have an idea of how much is left to do before assembly, but aside from that, I'm not really that curious about it, I'll just let it happen.
Besides working on Allietare, I cut out my first rag quilt.
How's that for a stack of squares? I'm jumping right into rag quilting, and I'm making a four layer quilt that will finish at 64x80. DD#3 is always cold these days, and I felt like a flannel rag quilt might be my best bet on keeping her warm in the living room. I bought her an electric blanket for her bed, and that's helping, but she's been piling multiple quilts on top of herself in the living room, and I'm hoping this one will be a better option for her.
I need to go buy a frame for DS the Younger's photo from basic training.
I can put his photo up with his Dad's photo, and both of his grandfather's photos from their times in the military. Our DDIL just moved in with us, along with their two dogs, so they will stay with us, until training is done and they can join him at his first duty station. I'm proud of our family's military history.
If you'd like to see how everyone else is doing on the Allietare Mystery quilt, click here.
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
14 hours ago