We had planned to have our Thanksgiving celebration a couple weeks ago with lots of extra people, and Mr LJ's arrival nixed those plans. DH is working today, as he does on most holidays being an Emergency Room nurse. We ended up having a smaller version of Thanksgiving last night, with only 11 in attendance. For anyone who thinks 11 is a lot, remember, right now there are 9 people living here, so 11 is only two extras!
This has been a really hard year, but there is still so much to be thankful for! DS the Elder got married this year, and by doing so brought another grandchild and a new daughter into the family. Mr LJ was born adding yet another grandchild. DD#1's family moving to the USA really caught us by surprise, but I'm so thankful to have them closer instead of on the other side of the world. We're praying her husband will be here by Christmas! The hard parts of this year have been really hard, and they aren't over yet, but still I see blessings all around.
Today, since we didn't have anything celebratory to do, I broke out some Punch balloons for the grandkids. The weather is great!
I sewed long enough to repair a pair of pants, but that's as far as I got.
The builder's are moving along on the addition.
This photo was taken looking in the exterior door to the master suite. Drywall is up!
Looking down the master suite hallway, you can see the door opening to the bathroom on the right, as well as the opening to the kitchen to the left of that. That area you can see tile shows how far into the house we moved the doorway. That tile is from the kitchen, we moved the doorway in towards the house almost three feet, to allow for the master bath doorway to be where we wanted it.
The shower is installed in the master bath. It's the same style shower we had installed in the upstairs master bath, and we loved it, so we bought another one. Tile showers are pretty, but the fiberglass ones are MUCH easier to clean. I like easy. The shower is 36x60 inches, so a nice sized shower for a master suite.
I leave for Phoenix on Sunday, and I'll be gone about two weeks. I doubt I'll blog while I'm gone, I'll be too busy getting cuddles from Mr. LJ and helping DD#2 around the house. I'm anxious to see what gets done on the addition while I'm gone!
I wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving, and whether life is hard or going well for you right now, may you always see blessings!
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
17 hours ago
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