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I finally feel like I got something done! Of course, that could be because I actually finished something ;-)
It's not a great photo because my cutting table was making a shadow on the quilt, but here's a big quilt that's been in my way with the borders finally sewn on! It's folded into fourths for the photo, it's a queen sized quilt and I didn't have enough space to easily lay it out for a photo. Now this quilt top is hanging the sewing room closet, where it can wait (out of my way) until it gets quilted.
I just finished the quilt for my next grandson less than an hour ago. It's big for a baby quilt, but they specifically asked for it to be suitable for him to drag around until he's five or so. I had the perfect piece of minky for the backing in my stash, so I made it as big as I could and still use the minky for the backing. I literally only cut off the selvages and trimmed the bottom and top edges straight on the minky! I cut it really close, closer than I probably should have, but I was happy to use up every bit of that minky.

On the minky back, you can see the quilting I did pretty well. I opted to use my Bernina with a walking foot to quilt it. This is my favorite way to quilt an equilateral triangle quilt. I like to quilt 1/2" away from each side of every seam, which makes an interesting looking design, and you get bonus stars at the intersections. You could certainly change up the distance from the seam to quilt, I just really like the 1" sashing look it gives when I quilt 1/2" away from the seam. These are 6" triangles, if you went bigger or smaller you'd have to adjust.
As for the new start, I started playing around with some leftover 1" HSTs. I haven't counted how many I have, It's easy enough to make more should I need them. I have no idea what the final project will be, but I started making little stars.
I've only made two stars so far, but I'll make them until the leftover HSTs are gone, then I'll decide what to do with them. Once I know how many I have, I can decide if I want to make more HSTs or just figure out how to use them in something small. This star will finish at 4" in a quilt. Right now I'm thinking they might be the centers of an economy block (square in a square in square) Those blocks would be 8", so if I made 25 or so, I could get a baby quilt out of it. I don't think I have enough HSTs to make 25 stars, but I'm liking the idea, so perhaps I'll be making more.
For the next while I won't be using anything for leaders/enders, not even these cute stars. I won't be piecing much for a bit. I have towel bibs to make for two different grandbabies, and I want to finish the weighted blankets I have ready to sew channels in. Since I won't be piecing, no leaders/enders will be happening.
I haven't been quilting on my longarm since I got back from my trip. I was stuck on how to quilt the quilt. I was reading in the Stashbusters yahoo group, and they were talking about simple quilting. I really needed that discussion, because I realized if I had just done something simple I would have finished both the quilts I've got basted by now. Finished is better than perfect, and I needed the reminder. Now I feel ready to start quilting those last two basted quilts.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had a great day, even with missing one of my daughter's families. We had three people not show due to illness, and another show up for the same reason. We're pretty flexible around here, so no problems either way.
I've spent the last couple days cooking, but I did find the time to make a couple bibs for my youngest granddaughter.
She ate solids for the first time today at Thanksgiving dinner. She was not sure what to think about the banana we gave her.
I got the quilt for the next grandbaby on the design wall, and I've actually gotten 6 (maybe 7) rows sewn. Once I finish sewing all the rows and press them, I'll start sewing the rows to each other. It should be a quick finish, no borders going on this one. I've got the backing ready to go, and the clock is ticking so I need to get this one finished up! Baby will be here soon!
I laid this mini quilt out a while back, but I finally got the top together this week. It's got 160 pieces and it's 8x10 inches. The baby quilt above only has 170 pieces, and it's about 56x60 inches. Quite different scales I've been working on! This mini quilt will actually be a mouse pad for me! I hardly ever make myself anything, but I need a mousepad, so I decided to make one.
Besides the two bibs, I didn't finish anything this week, but progress is progress. At least I'm moving forward instead of standing still. I'll be thankful for that.
I'm still not back in the swing of things. I am finally over being sick though, which is great!
I am usually great at prioritizing and getting things done, but I'm just a bit off. Thanksgiving completely snuck up on me this year, and it's a good thing there will only be 15 of us for dinner. I was scrambling to figure out what I needed to buy for dinner. I'm glad this isn't one of the years I've had 40 coming for dinner. I can do dinner for 15 with ease.
I am trying to prioritize which projects to work on. The next grandbaby to come is due January 3, so I really need to get the baby stuff finished.
I cut out some swaddling blankets yesterday, and got them sewn up today. Sometimes I really have fun choosing just two fabrics for a project. I'd be bored stiff making a quilt with only two fabrics, but a swaddling blanket or a pillowcase? Those are fun projects that only use two or three fabrics.
Now the only thing left to make for this upcoming grandbaby is the baby quilt. I need to cut some more equilateral triangles before I can start sewing on it, so that's tomorrow's project.
I haven't done any FMQ this week, I told you I'm really off schedule. I've got a quilt ready to go, and finally wound the bobbins I needed to quilt it, but that's as far as I've gotten.
Hopefully when I blog next, I can show some progress on the baby quilt. I need to get a move on just in case this baby decides to make an early arrival.
Wow! I don't know about any of you, but I have a really hard time getting back to normal after being gone. I was away for 12 days, and I've been struggling to get back into my routine ever since.
I have been sticking with my FMQ for an hour every morning, (followed by 30 minutes on the treadmill) and I have a finish to show for the quilting.
This is for my grandson, Mr LJ. It's his big boy bed quilt, because he turns two this month. Where has the time gone? He's going to have to give up his crib, because he's got a baby brother or sister on the way who's going to need it. That's just as well, because Mr. LJ has been working on climbing out of the crib in question, and he'll be safer in a bed. DH calls Mr. LJ "Hot Rod", thus the hot rod border on his transportation quilt.
I only have two more quilts basted, neither are deadline quilts or very big, I just basted a couple extra because I still had pins left on the last basting spree.
I haven't managed to get any cutting or other sewing done since I got home Sunday night. I caught a stomach bug, and haven't felt very good, so I haven't been terribly motivated. I did, however, get a bunch of Christmas presents wrapped, and even have a couple boxes ready to ship when December hits.
Yes, I know, I'm one of those super annoying early shoppers who is done before most people start shopping. I have a big family, and I need to spread out the cost, so it's partially practical, and the other side of that is I hate crowds and hate shopping, so I'd prefer to get it all done before the stores are crowded. Actually, this isn't even early by my standards. When my kids were little, we were so broke that my goal was to be finished with Christmas shopping by October 1st, so I had enough money to use for holiday foods and such. Financially we are better now, so I could wait to shop, but there's still the I hate crowds and shopping, so shopping early still works best for me. I do have a few little things to buy, but overall, I'm pretty much finished with Christmas shopping.
I've got grandkids visiting this weekend, so not much on the sewing front will get done then. Maybe I can make myself a plan so next week will be more productive.
I've completely given up hope of getting the next wedding quilt done by mid-December. It was a really short engagement, and I've had lots going on, so I'm not going to stress about it. In fact, I'm not even sure I will start that quilt before January. We've got a ton of things going on from now to the end of the year, lots of company coming and events. The only thing I've done for that wedding quilt is pre-wash the batiks, and choose a pattern. I have a grandbaby quilt that I really need to make, and that will be my priority. I have the baby quilt partially cut out, so maybe next week that will be my focus, finish cutting out the baby quilt and making the other swaddling blankets.
I have a LOT of things I had hoped to get done by year's end. I'm not sure much of that will get done. All I can do is prioritize and do what I can. I'm missing my sister, and yesterday was her birthday. I'm not sure if it's harder or easier that it was so soon after she passed away. I still have one sister and a brother, and I'm thankful for that. I usually keep myself really busy, but I think right now, I just need to give myself some grace and just be.