I'm still not back in the swing of things. I am finally over being sick though, which is great!
I am usually great at prioritizing and getting things done, but I'm just a bit off. Thanksgiving completely snuck up on me this year, and it's a good thing there will only be 15 of us for dinner. I was scrambling to figure out what I needed to buy for dinner. I'm glad this isn't one of the years I've had 40 coming for dinner. I can do dinner for 15 with ease.
I am trying to prioritize which projects to work on. The next grandbaby to come is due January 3, so I really need to get the baby stuff finished.
I cut out some swaddling blankets yesterday, and got them sewn up today. Sometimes I really have fun choosing just two fabrics for a project. I'd be bored stiff making a quilt with only two fabrics, but a swaddling blanket or a pillowcase? Those are fun projects that only use two or three fabrics.
Now the only thing left to make for this upcoming grandbaby is the baby quilt. I need to cut some more equilateral triangles before I can start sewing on it, so that's tomorrow's project.
I haven't done any FMQ this week, I told you I'm really off schedule. I've got a quilt ready to go, and finally wound the bobbins I needed to quilt it, but that's as far as I've gotten.
Hopefully when I blog next, I can show some progress on the baby quilt. I need to get a move on just in case this baby decides to make an early arrival.
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
18 hours ago
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