I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had a great day, even with missing one of my daughter's families. We had three people not show due to illness, and another show up for the same reason. We're pretty flexible around here, so no problems either way.
I've spent the last couple days cooking, but I did find the time to make a couple bibs for my youngest granddaughter.
She ate solids for the first time today at Thanksgiving dinner. She was not sure what to think about the banana we gave her.
I got the quilt for the next grandbaby on the design wall, and I've actually gotten 6 (maybe 7) rows sewn. Once I finish sewing all the rows and press them, I'll start sewing the rows to each other. It should be a quick finish, no borders going on this one. I've got the backing ready to go, and the clock is ticking so I need to get this one finished up! Baby will be here soon!
I laid this mini quilt out a while back, but I finally got the top together this week. It's got 160 pieces and it's 8x10 inches. The baby quilt above only has 170 pieces, and it's about 56x60 inches. Quite different scales I've been working on! This mini quilt will actually be a mouse pad for me! I hardly ever make myself anything, but I need a mousepad, so I decided to make one.
Besides the two bibs, I didn't finish anything this week, but progress is progress. At least I'm moving forward instead of standing still. I'll be thankful for that.
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
18 hours ago
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