Wow! I don't know about any of you, but I have a really hard time getting back to normal after being gone. I was away for 12 days, and I've been struggling to get back into my routine ever since.
I have been sticking with my FMQ for an hour every morning, (followed by 30 minutes on the treadmill) and I have a finish to show for the quilting.
This is for my grandson, Mr LJ. It's his big boy bed quilt, because he turns two this month. Where has the time gone? He's going to have to give up his crib, because he's got a baby brother or sister on the way who's going to need it. That's just as well, because Mr. LJ has been working on climbing out of the crib in question, and he'll be safer in a bed. DH calls Mr. LJ "Hot Rod", thus the hot rod border on his transportation quilt.
I only have two more quilts basted, neither are deadline quilts or very big, I just basted a couple extra because I still had pins left on the last basting spree.
I haven't managed to get any cutting or other sewing done since I got home Sunday night. I caught a stomach bug, and haven't felt very good, so I haven't been terribly motivated. I did, however, get a bunch of Christmas presents wrapped, and even have a couple boxes ready to ship when December hits.
Yes, I know, I'm one of those super annoying early shoppers who is done before most people start shopping. I have a big family, and I need to spread out the cost, so it's partially practical, and the other side of that is I hate crowds and hate shopping, so I'd prefer to get it all done before the stores are crowded. Actually, this isn't even early by my standards. When my kids were little, we were so broke that my goal was to be finished with Christmas shopping by October 1st, so I had enough money to use for holiday foods and such. Financially we are better now, so I could wait to shop, but there's still the I hate crowds and shopping, so shopping early still works best for me. I do have a few little things to buy, but overall, I'm pretty much finished with Christmas shopping.
I've got grandkids visiting this weekend, so not much on the sewing front will get done then. Maybe I can make myself a plan so next week will be more productive.
I've completely given up hope of getting the next wedding quilt done by mid-December. It was a really short engagement, and I've had lots going on, so I'm not going to stress about it. In fact, I'm not even sure I will start that quilt before January. We've got a ton of things going on from now to the end of the year, lots of company coming and events. The only thing I've done for that wedding quilt is pre-wash the batiks, and choose a pattern. I have a grandbaby quilt that I really need to make, and that will be my priority. I have the baby quilt partially cut out, so maybe next week that will be my focus, finish cutting out the baby quilt and making the other swaddling blankets.
I have a LOT of things I had hoped to get done by year's end. I'm not sure much of that will get done. All I can do is prioritize and do what I can. I'm missing my sister, and yesterday was her birthday. I'm not sure if it's harder or easier that it was so soon after she passed away. I still have one sister and a brother, and I'm thankful for that. I usually keep myself really busy, but I think right now, I just need to give myself some grace and just be.
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
18 hours ago
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