I make a lot of queen and king sized quilts. I like huge usable quilts, that are large enough to have extra space for kids or pets to snuggle under too. Making giant quilts is a big investment of time. I work on stuff in between, and mostly during the time I'm working on the big ones. Because I'm usually working on big stuff, and other projects are only being worked on a little along, I actually forget that not everything takes weeks or months to make.
I've been cleaning out my kitchen cabinets, tossing stuff that is far past it's prime, and donating things I don't use anymore. I tossed a bunch of ratty bibs, and realized I only have one bib in decent condition. There are a lot of babies in the family right now, so one bib at Nana's house just isn't going to cut it. Now that all the quillows are finished and wrapped, I actually had time to fix that problem.
I made five new bibs for my house, in ONE DAY!!! A lot of you do smaller projects all the time, so you know there's a lot you can do in one day, but I honestly forget. I am so used to projects taking weeks or months, that I tend to put off the small stuff, because I think it's going to take multiple days, and I don't want to take that time away from a marathon project.
Making 15 quillows was a marathon project, and I just wanted a bit of downtime to enjoy the finish. I have projects going that I haven't touched during that mad dash to finish the quillows for Christmas, so I can easily jump back in to those, but I decided to take time out to make the bibs, and I'm so glad I did. I needed the reminder, that some projects are quick, and don't really need to be put off, so much as they need to just be done and over. Instead of my to do list being filled with little stuff I never get around to, I could knock a few off my list, and be less stressed about it.
Thank you ratty bibs that needed to be tossed! You ended up giving me a good reminder that I really needed!
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
17 hours ago
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