Tuesday, March 8, 2022

One Finish, Two Finish

 There's a lot going on around here, but I had a deadline quilt to finish and I did! 

This is the quilt for my youngest granddaughter's 2nd birthday. It's already mailed, and will get there before her birthday! Go me!

I am going to be having a lot of company soon, more than the guest rooms can handle, so I needed to clear out the sewing room. The table I keep the vintage machine on completely collapses, I dropped the back extensions on the sewing cabinets, and moved all the misc. stuff into the walk-in closet.

It looks pretty empty, doesn't it? A queen sized air mattress will now fit in here without a problem. I'll still be getting some sewing in, just elsewhere. 

While I was rearranging the stuff in the walk-in closet to fit my carts and such that I keep under the cabinet extensions, I came across my basted quilts. I don't have very many basted right now, it's time for a basting spree, but I did have a baby quilt basted and I decided with all the craziness going on in the world and my house, I needed a quick win. 

I got this quilted and bound in just a couple sessions, so I feel good about that! I made another baby quilt from the same kind of blocks, but it had purple sashing and was gifted quite a while ago. It's about time its twin was finished! It's my third finish of the year, but the first UFO finish for this year. I have so many quilt tops in the quilt closet that I ran out of hangers! I don't care if I just meander on all of them, I just want to make a big dent in all those UFO's this year. I know I won't have a chance to do any FMQ for a while, DD#2 and family will be moving soon, and I'll be helping with childcare during all of that. At least I snuck in another finish before all that happens.

1 comment:

Katie Z. said...

I love the flying geese making a star in the center!