Monday, February 5, 2024

What Did a Month of Tidying Get Me?

This weekend DH and I will be hosting a family reunion. There will be little, if any, sewing going on this week. Coming off the holidays my sewing area was trashed, so I spent a lot of time in January tidying up my sewing spaces. It's far from perfect, but maybe you can tell me if it's company ready. 

 At the beginning of January, my ironing station on the left was piled high with stuff, as was every other surface in this room. It was MUCH worse than normal. You can see my Studio cutter folded up along the back wall. At the beginning of January, the surfaces were so bad, my Studio cutter was sitting on the floor!

The cabinet under the window still has too much stuff on it, but it had been piled almost to the window sill. It's not great, but better. My cutting table is completely cleared off and that's HUGE!

The dressers that hold fat quarters-1 yard pieces of fabric are mostly cleaned off. The pink basket has some scraps I haven't put away yet, but are cut to sizes I save. My jars of pins live on there, so those are supposed to be there. All my quilt books are put away, there had been a stack of them on the floor, and my trash has been emptied, so yeah!

That set of plastic drawers had been covered with stuff, but in this pic the only thing on it is my coffee cup, which is no longer there! 

That's how my fabric room is looking. People can easily see into it when going to the basement bathroom, so this room being cleaned up was the most important.

How about my actual sewing room? To the untrained eye, it's still a disaster, but to me it's SO MUCH BETTER! 

Indigo Way from men's shirts (a smaller version) is on my design wall, along with a strip of what will become a thermometer for my 2023 temperature quilt. You can see my colorway of Indigo Way on the table with my Singer 201. 

There had been a big stack of stuff next to my sewing cabinet that houses the Janome M7. That has all been dealt with and put away. Yes, there are project boxes all over, but that's ok. 

The quilt closet has been tidied and you can actually walk into it! One of these days we're going to have to get a door for it, there hasn't been a door on that closet the whole time we've lived here. There's still stuff on my cubbies, but it's active projects, and it's the same with the stuff on top of my rolling carts. It's all stuff I'm currently working on. 

The best part about taking a month to tidy is I think I touched every single project I have going, whether it's only cut out, started, or just waiting for assembly. I found some nine patches I had completely forgotten about, and I've already put those into blocks for two throws. They went from forgotten units to finished quilt blocks in between other projects. There will be 80 nine patches in each quilt, but I've got them sewn into forty quilt blocks, twenty blocks for each quilt. 

See what I mean about other people may think it's a mess, but it's actually not bad for a working studio that is being used on a daily basis? I don't need it to look like I don't use the sewing spaces. There is ample proof I do in the living room!

DH and I finally got quilts hung on my new quilt rack! In case you are wondering how hard it is to hang them, the answer is not hard at all. We started by taking all the bars off the rack. We put the bar that would become the top bar on the bottom. I hung the baby quilts I wanted to show on that, then with DH on one side and me on the other, we lifted the loaded bar to the top position. We did the same thing for bars 2 and 3, so only on the bottom bar was I hanging quilts that were actually touching the ones above it. The largest quilt on there is a full sized, the blue on the bottom left. Four are twins, and all the rest are throws or baby quilts. Yes, the rack is screwed into wall studs. 

I did get a quilt finished over the weekend. 

It was a UFO so it's nice to cross it off my list. Since I was mostly busting busy novelty prints, I kept the center squares constant. DH is picky about scrap quilts but he likes this one. This is finish #5 for the year. 

I won't be sewing the rest of the week, it's some cooking and lots of cleaning. I've already gotten a head start on the cooking because I like to make ahead whatever I can. I don't want to spend all my time in the kitchen when there is family from out of state here to visit with. Now that my sewing rooms are clean-ish, I am at a good starting place when life is back to normal. 

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