I've been working on my 2009 quilting to-do list, and I just found out I have a new one to add. I get to make a quilt for my first grandchild! I think my DD is due in July or August, she didn't tell me the due date. Since she lives in South Africa, that is winter for her. I think I'm going to make a couple different weight blankets/quilts. One of the times I sent packages, it took almost 6 weeks to get there, so I can't wait too long. This is a quilt I will really enjoy making, and I told DH I have a great excuse to go fabric shopping, not that I need one most of the time.
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
17 hours ago
Wow! That is beautiful!! You really did a super job on it!
Your exploding star (or was it expanding?) is fabulous. I really like it. And, isn't it funny when you audition fabrics that they actually tell you whether the color is bad, good or, in this case, great.
I am so jealous re: 1st or any grandchildren. Oh well. Dd is mentally ready just needs to finish her doctorate which will happen by summer. So, then, ....
That is one gorgeous quilt! And that's the perfect border too. Beautiful job! And congrats on the grandchild. Being a grandma is quite possibly the most wonderful job in the world.
Lovely Quilt! And isn't it great to become a grnadma! I love it!
I really like the Exploding Star! The gold border works perfectly.
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