You know those times when life is crazy, and it seems you don't have time to breathe? DH and I were both feeling a bit like that, so yesterday we ran away from home! We only left for the day, but it was wonderful!
We left soon after we got up, I only took the time to have one cup of coffee, and I usually drink three. We left town and headed towards Benson, AZ, where we went to a quilt shop, Cowgirl Up Quilts. The woman who owns the shop was so nice, and her two little dogs were very friendly and sweet. I found a couple pieces of fabric on the sale table that followed me home.
The top piece I've seen at several shops, and it keeps catching my eye. Since I found it on the sale table, I decided it was time to give in, and I got three yards. The bottom piece I had never seen before, but the frogs with the paisley was just so cute! I got one yard of it.
We went to Sierra Vista next, and went to The Squirrel's Nest, which is the largest quilt shop I've ever been in. I know there is a green and purple quilt in my future, so I picked up some half yard pieces with that in mind.

I took multiple photos of these, but I just can't get the fabric on the end to show up accurately. It is a very dark, very rich purple in real life.
After that quilt shop, we went searching for the monument for Ed
Schieffelin, the man who founded Tombstone, AZ. Evidently, Mr. Scheiffelin was told that if he went out in the western wilderness he would only find his tombstone. He ended up finding silver instead, named his mine the Tombstone, and the town that grew there after people heard about the silver strike became known as Tombstone. I have been to Tombstone many times, but had never heard that story until DH told me while we were looking for the 25 foot tall marker where Mr. Schieffelin is buried. DH has the photo we took there on his phone, but if you are curious as to what it looks like, I found a photo of it here.
Bisbee is one of our favorite places to go for day trips, so we left Tombstone and headed to Bisbee. We ate lunch as soon as we arrived in Bisbee, since by now we were both really hungry. We ate at the Bisbee Breakfast Club, which is a fun little restaurant. We went to several antique stores in Bisbee, I saw an overpriced featherweight, an anniversary model Singer, and one treadle. The treadle had no price on it, and although the anniversary model was reasonably priced, I really didn't want an old electric machine, I'd rather get a people-powered machine. I searched for handcranks, but didn't see any. We didn't buy any antiques, but we did get some coffee at one of Bisbee's great little coffee shops.
We made our way back to Sierra Vista, and DH stopped to look at some Ural motorcycles, which are Russian motorcycles. He really wants something with a sidecar, and he is debating between a scooter with a sidecar or a motorcycle with one. I'm not sure if all Urals have sidecars, but they have several different models with them.
All the driving brought us by some beautiful scenery. It is our rainy season, and the desert greens right up during rainy season. It was all beautiful and green, and looked more like grassland than desert.
We headed back to Tucson, and went to the movies to see "The Help". I thought the movie was excellent, and I highly recommend seeing it. The movie was so good, that I didn't realize it was over 2 hours long, until we got out, I turned on my phone and saw it was 8:45 PM. We still hadn't eaten dinner, so we went to Mama's Hawaiian BBQ, which we enjoy. We had debated going to local Greek restaurant, but weren't sure what time they closed, and we knew Mama's was open late. By this time the kids had started texting me, we're out of milk, and this, and that. Our trip to the grocery store was our call back to reality, so we came home ready to go back to normal. I LOVED our day of escape though.

Here is what I worked on today, continuing quilting on one of the I Spy quilts. I am about 2/3 done with this one. I think this photo is funny. It looks like I am quilting on it with two machines at once! I'm only quilting on it with the Juki, which is the far machine. I have my cabinets back to back so the excess quilt is supported by the other cabinet.
Tomorrow I'm babysitting, I may get a small bit of time to quilt during naptime. I hope to get this quilt finished this weekend, then babysitting again Monday and Tuesday. Maybe by Wednesday I can get started quilting on the last I Spy quilt.