Sunday, August 26, 2012

I Don't Want to.....

Model My New Dress!

 Miss S was not too thrilled about modeling for me, even though I was all happy I finished her dress. Turns out this pattern ran large, so she will likely be able to wear it early next summer too. That makes me feel a bit better about not having gotten it finished sooner. If you can't tell, the dress is lavender with yellow rubber ducks all over it. Miss S loves ducks!

Their Mama gave them some mini graham crackers to calm Miss S down, but Mr. L made sure to get his share.

 Doesn't she just look as sweet as can be now that she's been bribed?

My next sewing project is some more towel bibs for Miss E, my Texas grandbaby. She, DDIL, and DS the Elder will be coming to town next week for DDIL's surgery. DDIL wanted more bibs for Miss E anyway, and I don't have enough to go around if I'm babysitting and have Miss E, that is 5 bibs per meal, and I think I only have 12 or so, not even a day's worth at that rate! If I can get her new bibs finished, It will be easier during their six week stay, and I can send them home with them when they leave. DS the Elder will only be here a few days, he will have to go back to Texas to work, but DDIL and Miss E will be here for a while. We're all praying for an easy recovery for her.

I had a very unexpected phone call last night. A car ran into my parents house! My Dad was knocked off of his chair and onto the floor, but thankfully both he and my mom are ok. They were in the opposite end of the house at the time of the crash. All four people in the car were taken to the hospital, but from the little I heard, it sounded as if they should all recover. I am so thankful my parents are safe! I guess the house will get some updating now, whether they were looking to do it or not.

1 comment:

Stephanie Newman said...

Such a cute little dress, you are lucky to have little girls to sew for in your life!