Here is the baby quilt for my very first great-niece! I have four great-nephews, but this is the first great-niece. I like the way it came out, and this is my own design. I am considering writing up pattern directions and putting it on the blog if anyone is interested. I think it would be fun in different color schemes.
I have the center of the comfort quilt together, and maybe half of those stripsets from last post pressed. I did get the scooter patches sewn on the vests, but now I have another person's vest to do, so not quite done with that after all.
No sewing at all today, but I did wrap some Christmas presents. Yes, I'm one of those early shoppers, and I am over halfway done with the Christmas shopping. I always spread out the shopping due to financial reasons, but I also find it less stressful. Last year I ended up shopping in (EEEEK!) DECEMBER and that was very stressful for me. I ended up giving a lot of gift cards.
I may have some sewing time in the morning, and if I do I'll be working on getting borders on the comfort quilt. I'd like to get it quilted this weekend, so I need to make this happen!
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
17 hours ago
Great to see this finished Melodie, What a lucky grand niece to be given the quilt!
You're right about December being an insane time to Christmas shop. I did that some years ago and swore never least not all of it!
I really like this quilt - from the layout to the colors.
I have 'thought' about Christmas - does that count for 'starting' ;-)
I'm the running at the last minute, total chaos person... I think I've determined it must be part of the festivities.....
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