Lest you think all I do anymore is shop, I have been sewing.
The chevron borders for the pineapple quilt are ready to go on once the center is assembled.
I have about 30 blocks done for a wedding quilt, which I can't show.
I had extra pieces from the Christmas/sea quilt border, so I cut a few more, and I'm making a baby quilt.
I got this baby quilt into rows today, and hopefully on Tuesday I'll be able to get it to be a quilt top. I chose a lighthouse fabric from stash for the borders, which I hope to get cut tomorrow.
I am assembling quilt tops as my leaders/enders right now. I sew up the rows while working on blocks for the wedding quilt, then once the rows are done, I will take the time to sew the rows together, and use a wedding quilt block as my leader/ender for that. It's all a matter of keeping the fabric moving.
I have extra chevrons, since I changed the design of the pineapple quilt. I came up with a plan for the extras, but now I'll need a few more. I'm just planning a baby quilt with the extras, and I think it will be a fun one. Nothing terribly fancy, but no use wasting the extra units. I will go ahead and work on that quilt top while the design is fresh in my mind. Nothing like throwing in another project!
Actually, I'm feeling pretty good about my strategy right now. I want to get my sewing room cleaned up a bit, and to do that, I need to get several quilts assembled. Nothing cleans things up like finishing a project or two. Besides the three quilts I must have finished this year, my goal is really just quilt tops right now, not quilted, bound finishes. Once I have a quilt top, I can hang it in my batting closet, and it can wait it's turn to be quilted. It still helps clean up my sewing room to not have quilt parts all over. I'm thinking I will need to have a couple big quilting sprees next year to start getting caught up, and that's fine. I know this year the only finishes I am likely to get now, are the ones I have deadlines for.
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
17 hours ago
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