How I wish sorting a house was as easy as putting on a sorting hat that tells you if you're in Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin. (Harry Potter reference for those scratching their heads)
A couple months ago, I went from a huge sewing room, to a tiny one, and now I'm switching to none at all. When I went from the big room to the small room, I weeded out all I wanted to pass on, and so this time, it's much harder. I had everything very organized, and one thing I've done to consolidate things is to un-organize it. For example, all of my pre-cuts are now sharing containers, where before they were sorted by size. I've got sewing things stored in every nook and cranny in the house. I should have made myself a map as I was putting things in random closets. It could be an adventure finding things I need.
Here is what will be a room for two of my grandsons. The two machine cabinet is gone, all the batting is stored elsewhere, aside from these batting scraps. The empty set of bookshelves might stay in here, I haven't decided. I have lots of misc. things to rehome, and I need to disassemble my cutting table, which I'll be storing elsewhere. I've actually moved a LOT out of here already, it's just still a disaster.
Some of my sewing supplies got moved into my bedroom. A few more things will be moved in there too, since my only space to sew is my bedroom. I'm being very particular about what stays easily accessible, and what goes into hiding. My quilting goals for the next year or so will be finishing UFO's and using pre-cuts and strings. I think the most discouraging thing about moving things into my bedroom, is knowing I'm going to have to move it all again when the addition is done. I'm thrilled about the addition, but moving my sewing room three times in one year is excessive! The addition is a master suite, but it will still be my only sewing spot for a while.
This was my original sewing room, and my big fabric cabinets are staying right where they are. Most of the boxes are things to make this room and the last one into bedrooms for DD#1's family. I know it's going to keep looking a mess for a few more days, then it should come together quickly.
As I was moving a bunch of furniture on Wednesday, I hurt my left shoulder. I hurt it bad enough that I haven't been able to lift my arm, so moving any more was out of the question.
Since the rearrange was stalled, I decided to work on the baby quilts that needed to be quilted. It still hurt my shoulder to quilt, but it was easier than moving furniture! I wouldn't have attempted quilting a big quilt with a hurt shoulder, but a baby quilt I can deal with.
I finished the baby quilt for DD#2's baby yesterday, and I finished another one today. I still have one more baby quilt to quilt, then I'll need to pin-baste the bed sized quilt for my youngest granddaughter. I haven't taken pics of the finished baby quilts yet, they are currently being washed.
Tomorrow I'll play by ear. If my shoulder is better, I'll move some of the lighter things that need to be moved. If it's not, I'll work on quilting that last baby quilt. I also need to work on DD#2's baby shower. Only 9 more days until the shower, and I've been putting things off!
Of Porches and Quilty Things!
17 hours ago
1 comment:
REst that shoulder for at least 3days so it can heal. Ice 30 minutes on then 30 minutes off.
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