I took all of my flannel and dumped it on the floor. I love the feel of flannel quilts, but I have decided they are not my favorite things to make. I don't dislike using flannel enough to just give it all away, but I am going to try to use up my flannel, and try to avoid buying much in the future. I do like to back the occasional quilt with flannel, and I don't mind working with flannel when garment making. I'm sure there will be more flannel quilts in the future, even after I bust what I have now. These flannel squares were left over from my
GS's quilt, and they were already cut into squares. I tried for a random placement and just sewed it up. The border is not flannel, but I've mixed flannels and regular cottons together before and they've done fine. I wash all of my flannels several times to get them to shrink, because they usually shrink a lot.
I will probably stick mostly to squares for the flannel quilts I'll be making. I don't like how bulky the seams get when making
HST's with flannel. I'm sure that's one of the main reasons I don't like quilting with flannel. I'll also make some more burp rags with my flannel, everyone I've given those to have really liked them, and it seems I almost always know someone expecting.

At the beginning of this year, I was making a bunch of string blocks. I got a green string block quilt finished, but I never got the autumn strings assembled, well, until now that is. I really love the colors in this quilt top, and I think it's going to live here, at least for a while.

Since fall colors are my favorite color scheme, I have several fall prints in my stash. I put several next to the center of the quilt, before I decided to use this one for the border. Unfortunately, I had less than a yard of this one, so the border had to be a bit narrower than I wanted. It looks fine, I just would have liked the border 1/2" - 1" wider. I had enough of a couple other prints, but this was the right print for the quilt.
Swing Your Partner is up on my design wall, waiting to be assembled. I did get my gift project done this past week, and I'm going to try to make another gift this coming week. I have several quilts that need to be cut out, but my cutting table is such a mess right now! I just received the background fabric I needed for the sea quilt, so I can start playing with that quilt too. I'm sticking with making quilt tops all of June, then going on a quilting spree in July. Two of the tops I really need to get made aren't even started yet, so I can't start my quilting spree yet anyway.
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