I did re-think the border on the sea quilt, and the fabric I thought I had a yard of, I only had a half yard of :-( Of course, as luck would have it, the half yard I had, had no information on the selvages, and when I checked the online site I had ordered it from, they had sold out and did not have any listed, or any information about it. After 6 hours of online searching, I finally found the fabric in a different color, but it had all the fabric info, so I pretty easily found the right color after that. Actually, I had the fabric in a greenish-blue, and I ordered the green not knowing if I really had the green or blue. Turns out I had the blue, but the green matches the center much better, and since I'm adding an inner border, which will separate the similar colors, I am thrilled with the change.
I wanted to include a picture and I haven't done much in the sewing room in the last few days, but I did finish this D9P quilt top made from some of my 6 inch squares. I have several other quilt tops close to being finished, but now that I am appliqueing, no leader and ender projects are being worked on.
I got my Juki all set up again this morning. I had to close up the cabinet because of the big scooter function we had at the house on Sunday. The scooter quilt was raffled off, and although I had been told the scooter quilt was too yellow by some, the person who won it was thrilled, because her favorite color is yellow! Don't you just love it when things work out that way?
I'm glad the Juki is all ready to go again, because any time that I have time to sew, If I don't want to piece or applique, I need to quilt. I've lost count of how many quilts are in the pile to be quilted, and I am running out of time for everything! I want to get my current quilts finished, and it would be nice if I can do something for Christmas, but I'm not sure that will happen.
I was going to wait until after Christmas to start making the quilts for DD#3's baby (she's due in February) but now that I know she's having twins, I know they may come early. I bought a pattern to make crib sheets and such, and I'll make the babies quilts, and I'll make their new cousin a quilt too, because we found out DD#1 is pregnant again too! DD#1 is due in May, so hopefully a trip to SA then, depending on what's going on here with everyone else. DS the Younger graduates from high school in May too, so it's going to be hopping around here!
So, my new thinking is, try to get as many current projects as possible finished, start working on all the baby things, for all three new grandbabies on the way (Well, at least three, wouldn't it be crazy if both girls were having twins?) and if I can do all that before Christmas, then I will see about Christmas presents. See why I'm doubting I'll get anything done for Christmas? I have no idea how much quilting time I will have between the time the twins are born, and the baby in SA is born, it all depends on how much help DD#3 needs with the twins. I know I may have little time to quilt, and so I'd like to have the quilts for all three(?) babies done before the twins make their grand entrance.
Life is crazy, but blessings abound!
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